diff buildHelper.d @ 171:b080e62b16b4

Enhanced buildscript to simplify compiling for new users
author Abscissa
date Sun, 03 Oct 2010 17:55:10 -0400
children 5a9a88e919f9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildHelper.d	Sun Oct 03 17:55:10 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+// Written in The D Programming Language
+/// Script to build DDMD
+import std.file;
+import std.getopt;
+import std.path;
+import std.process;
+import std.stdio;
+import std.string: replace, format;
+import std.zip;
+enum dmdVersionDefault = "2.039";
+enum dmdArchiveBaseURL = "http://ftp.digitalmars.com/";
+enum dmdLib = "dmd.lib";
+	enum scriptName = "build.bat";
+	enum osSubDir   = "windows\\";
+	enum configFile = "sc.ini";
+	enum execExt    = ".exe";
+	enum scriptName = "./build.sh";
+	enum osSubDir   = "linux/";
+	enum configFile = "dmd.conf";
+	enum execExt    = "";
+string dmdVersion;
+string dmdPackage;
+string dmdArchive;
+string dmBase="";
+bool shouldDownload;
+void doCopy(string from, string to)
+	from = normFilePath(from);
+	to   = normFilePath(to);
+	writefln(`copy "%s" "%s"`, from, to);
+	copy(from, to);
+void doChDir(string dir)
+	dir = normDirPath(dir);
+	writefln(`chdir "%s"`, dir);
+	chdir(dir);
+int doSystem(string cmd)
+	writeln(cmd);
+	stdout.flush();
+	return system(cmd);
+void copyRecurse(string from, string to)
+	from = normDirPath(from)[0..$-1];
+	to   = normDirPath(to)[0..$-1];
+	version(Windows)
+		doSystem(`xcopy "%s" "%s" /E /I /Y /Q`.format(from, to));
+	else
+		doSystem(`cp '%s' '%s' -r`.format(from, to));
+void copyAndPatch(string from, string to, void delegate(ref string) patcher)
+	auto data = cast(string)read(from);
+	patcher(data);
+	std.file.write(to, data);
+/// makePath("C:\foo\bar\dir") will create "C:\foo\bar\dir" if it doesn't already exist.
+/// makePath("C:\foo\bar\dir\") will create "C:\foo\bar\dir" if it doesn't already exist.
+void makePath(string dir)
+	dir = normDirPath(dir)[0..$-1];
+	if(!exists(dir))
+		mkdirRecurse(dir);
+/// makePathTo("C:\foo\bar\file.txt") will create "C:\foo\bar\" if it doesn't already exist.
+/// makePathTo("C:\foo\bar\dir\") will create "C:\foo\bar\" if it doesn't already exist.
+void makePathTo(string file)
+	file = normFilePath(file);
+	auto dir = dirname(file);
+	makePath(dir);
+/// Ensure trailing slash and OS-correct path separators
+string normDirPath(string str)
+	str = normPathSep(str);
+	if(str.length > 0 && str[$-1] != sep[0])
+		str ~= sep;
+	return str;
+/// Ensure no trailing slash and OS-correct path separators
+string normFilePath(string str)
+	str = normPathSep(str);
+	if(str.length > 0 && str[$-1] == sep[0])
+		str = str[0..$-1];
+	return str;
+/// Ensure OS-correct path separators
+string normPathSep(string str)
+	version(Windows)
+		str = str.replace("/", "\\");
+	else
+		str = str.replace("\\", "/");
+	return str;
+	version(Windows)
+	{
+		assert(normDirPath ("C:\\a/b\\c/d"  ) == "C:\\a\\b\\c\\d\\");
+		assert(normDirPath ("C:\\a/b\\c/d\\") == "C:\\a\\b\\c\\d\\");
+		assert(normDirPath ("C:\\a/b\\c/d/" ) == "C:\\a\\b\\c\\d\\");
+		assert(normFilePath("C:\\a/b\\c/d"  ) == "C:\\a\\b\\c\\d"  );
+		assert(normFilePath("C:\\a/b\\c/d\\") == "C:\\a\\b\\c\\d"  );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		assert(normDirPath ("\\a/b\\c/d"  ) == "/a/b/c/d/");
+		assert(normDirPath ("\\a/b\\c/d\\") == "/a/b/c/d/");
+		assert(normDirPath ("\\a/b\\c/d/" ) == "/a/b/c/d/");
+		assert(normFilePath("\\a/b\\c/d"  ) == "/a/b/c/d" );
+		assert(normFilePath("\\a/b\\c/d\\") == "/a/b/c/d" );
+	}
+bool initialSetup()
+	writeln("Running initial setup...");
+	// Download dmd zip
+	if(!exists(dmdArchive) && shouldDownload)
+		doSystem("wget "~dmdArchiveBaseURL~dmdArchive);
+	// Extract dmd zip
+	writeln("Extracting dmd archive...");
+	if(exists("dmd2"))
+		rmdirRecurse("dmd2");
+	auto zip = new ZipArchive(std.file.read(dmdArchive));
+	foreach(member; zip.directory)
+	{
+		makePathTo(member.name);
+		std.file.write(member.name, zip.expand(member));
+	}
+	// Make mars2.c with 'main' hidden
+	doChDir("dmd2/src/dmd");
+	copyAndPatch("mars.c", "mars2.c", (ref string data) {
+		data = data.replace("int main(int argc, char *argv[])", "int HIDE_main(int argc, char *argv[])");
+	});
+	// Apply patch
+	doChDir("../../..");
+	doChDir("dmd2");
+	doSystem("patch -p1 --binary < " ~ normFilePath("../dmdpatch.patch"));
+	// Setup makefile for dmd.lib
+	doChDir("..");
+	doChDir("dmd2/src/dmd");
+	version(Windows)
+		enum makefile = "win32.mak";
+	else
+	{
+		enum makefile = "linux_lib.mak";
+		doCopy("../../../"~makefile, makefile);
+	}
+	version(Windows)
+	copyAndPatch(makefile, makefile, (ref string data) {
+		if(dmBase == "")
+		{
+			data = data.replace("\nCC=$(SCROOT)\\bin\\dmc", "\nCC=dmc");
+			data = data.replace("\nLIB=$(SCROOT)\\bin\\lib", "\nLIB=lib");
+		}
+		else
+			data = data.replace("\nD=", "\nD="~dmBase);
+	});
+	// Build dmd.lib
+	version(Windows)
+		doSystem("make deblib -f"~makefile);
+	else
+		doSystem("make -f"~makefile);
+	doCopy("dmd.lib", "../../../dmd.lib");
+	// Copy and patch config file
+	doChDir("../../..");
+	copyAndPatch(
+		normFilePath("dmd2/"~osSubDir~"bin/"~configFile),
+		normFilePath("bin/"~configFile),
+		(ref string data) {
+			data = data.replace(normDirPath("../.."), normDirPath(".."));
+		}
+	);
+	// Copy std lib
+	if(exists("src"))
+		rmdirRecurse("src");
+	mkdir("src");
+	copyRecurse("dmd2/src/druntime",    "src/druntime");
+	copyRecurse("dmd2/src/phobos",      "src/phobos"  );
+	copyRecurse("dmd2/"~osSubDir~"lib", "lib"         );
+	// Copy linker
+	doCopy("dmd2/"~osSubDir~"bin/link"~execExt, "bin/link"~execExt);
+	return true;
+int main(string[] args)
+	endOfOptions = "";
+	bool help;
+	bool shouldSetup;
+	bool debugOnly;
+	bool releaseOnly;
+	dmdVersion = dmdVersionDefault;
+	getopt(
+		args,
+		std.getopt.config.caseSensitive,
+		"setup",      &shouldSetup,
+		"debug|d",    &debugOnly,
+		"release|r",  &releaseOnly,
+		"ver",        &dmdVersion,
+		"download",   &shouldDownload,
+		"dmbase",     &dmBase,
+		"help|h|H|?", &help
+	);
+	dmdPackage = "dmd."~dmdVersion;
+	dmdArchive = dmdPackage~".zip";
+	auto helpMsg = 
+`This script will compile DDMD
+Note that this script must be run from the main DDMD directory.
+Also, make sure you have GNU patch installed and current versions
+of DMC and DMD (D2) on the PATH. (DMC is only needed on Windows.)
+    `~scriptName~` [options...]
+    --help,-h,-H,-?  Display this help message
+    --debug,-d       Only build debug version
+    --release,-r     Only build release version
+    --ver={ver}      Base DDMD off specific DMD version (default: `~dmdVersionDefault~`)
+    --setup          Run initial setup
+    --download       If running initial setup and the dmd zip doesn't exist,
+                     use wget to download it
+    --dmbase={path}  Path to directory containing 'dm' for building dmd.lib
+                     (Optional if --setup is used, otherwise ignored)
+	// Assume the user meant they wanted both.
+	if(debugOnly && releaseOnly)
+	{
+		debugOnly = releaseOnly = false;
+	}
+	if(
+		help ||
+		( shouldSetup && !exists(dmdArchive) && !shouldDownload    ) ||
+		( shouldSetup && exists(dmdArchive) && !isfile(dmdArchive) )
+	)
+	{
+		write(helpMsg);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if( !shouldSetup && (!exists(dmdLib) || !isfile(dmdLib)) )
+	{
+		auto needSetupMsg = 
+`'`~dmdLib~`' has not been built so you need to run the initial setup:
+If you have GNU wget installed, just run:
+  `~scriptName~` --setup --download
+If you don't have wget, download a copy of `~dmdArchive~` to this
+directory. It can be obtained from:
+  `~dmdArchiveBaseURL~dmdArchive~`
+Then run:
+  `~scriptName~` --setup
+For a full list of options, run:
+  `~scriptName~` --help
+		write(needSetupMsg);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if(shouldSetup)
+	{
+		if(!initialSetup())
+			return 1;
+	}
+	int ret=0;
+	version(Windows)
+	{
+		system("cls");
+		if(ret == 0) ret = doSystem(r"dmc.exe bridge\bridge.cpp -c");
+		if(!releaseOnly) if(ret == 0) ret = doSystem(r"dmd -debug -g @commands.txt");
+		if(!debugOnly)   if(ret == 0) ret = doSystem(r"dmd -release -O -inline @commands.txt");
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if(ret == 0) ret = doSystem("g++ -c bridge/bridge.cpp -obridge.o");
+		if(!releaseOnly) if(ret == 0) ret = doSystem("dmd -debug -gc @commands.linux.txt");
+		if(!debugOnly)   if(ret == 0) ret = doSystem("dmd -release -O -inline @commands.linux.txt");
+	}
+	return ret;