diff dmd/codegen/Util.d @ 0:10317f0c89a5

Initial commit
author korDen
date Sat, 24 Oct 2009 08:42:06 +0400
children 7427ded8caf7
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dmd/codegen/Util.d	Sat Oct 24 08:42:06 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1149 @@
+module dmd.codegen.Util;
+import dmd.Loc;
+import dmd.IRState;
+import dmd.Type;
+import dmd.Array;
+import dmd.Dsymbol;
+import dmd.FuncDeclaration;
+import dmd.Identifier;
+import dmd.RET;
+import dmd.TY;
+import dmd.LINK;
+import dmd.Expression;
+import dmd.Argument;
+import dmd.STC;
+import dmd.Global;
+import dmd.InterfaceDeclaration;
+import dmd.AggregateDeclaration;
+import dmd.AttribDeclaration;
+import dmd.TupleDeclaration;
+import dmd.StructDeclaration;
+import dmd.VarDeclaration;
+import dmd.ClassDeclaration;
+import dmd.TemplateMixin;
+import dmd.TypedefDeclaration;
+import dmd.ExpInitializer;
+import dmd.TypeFunction;
+import dmd.TypeStruct;
+import dmd.TypeSArray;
+import dmd.TOK;
+import dmd.Util;
+import dmd.LabelStatement;
+import dmd.DsymbolExp;
+import dmd.LabelDsymbol;
+import dmd.backend.elem;
+import dmd.backend.TYPE;
+import dmd.backend.Util;
+import dmd.backend.Classsym;
+import dmd.backend.SC;
+import dmd.backend.FL;
+import dmd.backend.SFL;
+import dmd.backend.STR;
+import dmd.backend.TYM;
+import dmd.backend.TF;
+import dmd.backend.OPER;
+import dmd.backend.mTYman;
+import dmd.backend.TYFL;
+import dmd.backend.mTY;
+import dmd.backend.Symbol;
+import dmd.backend.Blockx;
+import dmd.backend.RTLSYM;
+import dmd.backend.block;
+import dmd.backend.LIST;
+import std.string;
+import core.stdc.string;
+ * Call a function.
+ */
+elem* callfunc(Loc loc, 
+	IRState* irs,
+	int directcall,		// 1: don't do virtual call
+	Type tret,		// return type
+	elem *ec,		// evaluates to function address
+	Type ectype,		// original type of ec
+	FuncDeclaration fd,	// if !=null, this is the function being called
+	Type t,		// TypeDelegate or TypeFunction for this function
+	elem* ehidden,		// if !=null, this is the 'hidden' argument
+	Array arguments)
+    elem* ep;
+    elem* e;
+    elem* ethis = null;
+    elem* eside = null;
+    int i;
+    tym_t ty;
+    tym_t tyret;
+    RET retmethod;
+    int reverse;
+    TypeFunction tf;
+    OPER op;
+static if (false) {
+    printf("callfunc(directcall = %d, tret = '%s', ec = %p, fd = %p)\n",
+	directcall, tret.toChars(), ec, fd);
+    printf("ec: "); elem_print(ec);
+    if (fd)
+		printf("fd = '%s'\n", fd.toChars());
+    t = t.toBasetype();
+    if (t.ty == TY.Tdelegate)
+    {
+		// A delegate consists of:
+		//	{ Object *this; Function *funcptr; }
+		assert(!fd);
+		assert(t.nextOf().ty == TY.Tfunction);
+		tf = cast(TypeFunction)t.nextOf();
+		ethis = ec;
+		ec = el_same(&ethis);
+		ethis = el_una(OPER.OP64_32, TYM.TYnptr, ethis);	// get this
+		ec = array_toPtr(t, ec);		// get funcptr
+		ec = el_una(OPER.OPind, tf.totym(), ec);
+    }
+    else
+    {	
+		assert(t.ty == TY.Tfunction);
+		tf = cast(TypeFunction)t;
+    }
+    retmethod = tf.retStyle();
+    ty = ec.Ety;
+    if (fd)
+		ty = fd.toSymbol().Stype.Tty;
+    reverse = tyrevfunc(ty);
+    ep = null;
+    if (arguments)
+    {
+		// j=1 if _arguments[] is first argument
+		int j = (tf.linkage == LINK.LINKd && tf.varargs == 1);
+		for (i = 0; i < arguments.dim ; i++)
+		{   
+			Expression arg;
+			elem* ea;
+			arg = cast(Expression)arguments.data[i];
+			//printf("\targ[%d]: %s\n", i, arg.toChars());
+			size_t nparams = Argument.dim(tf.parameters);
+			if (i - j < nparams && i >= j)
+			{
+				Argument p = Argument.getNth(tf.parameters, i - j);
+				if (p.storageClass & (STC.STCout | STC.STCref))
+				{
+					// Convert argument to a pointer,
+					// use AddrExp.toElem()
+					Expression ae = arg.addressOf(null);
+					ea = ae.toElem(irs);
+					goto L1;
+				}
+			}
+			ea = arg.toElem(irs);
+		L1:
+			if (tybasic(ea.Ety) == TYM.TYstruct)
+			{
+				ea = el_una(OPER.OPstrpar, TYM.TYstruct, ea);
+				ea.Enumbytes = ea.E1.Enumbytes;
+				assert(ea.Enumbytes);
+			}
+			if (reverse)
+				ep = el_param(ep,ea);
+			else
+				ep = el_param(ea,ep);
+		}
+    }
+    if (retmethod == RET.RETstack)
+    {
+		if (!ehidden)
+		{   
+			// Don't have one, so create one
+			type* tt;
+			if (tf.next.toBasetype().ty == TY.Tstruct)
+				tt = tf.next.toCtype();
+			else
+				tt = type_fake(tf.next.totym());
+			Symbol* stmp = symbol_genauto(tt);
+			ehidden = el_ptr(stmp);
+		}
+		if ((global.params.isLinux || global.params.isOSX || global.params.isFreeBSD || global.params.isSolaris) && tf.linkage != LINK.LINKd) {
+			;	// ehidden goes last on Linux/OSX C++
+		} else {
+			if (ep)
+			{
+static if (false) { // BUG: implement
+				if (reverse && type_mangle(tfunc) == mTYman.mTYman_cpp) {
+					ep = el_param(ehidden,ep);
+				} else {
+					ep = el_param(ep,ehidden);
+				}
+} else {
+				ep = el_param(ep,ehidden);
+			}
+			else
+			ep = ehidden;
+			ehidden = null;
+		}
+    }
+    if (fd && fd.isMember2())
+    {
+		InterfaceDeclaration intd;
+		Symbol* sfunc;
+		AggregateDeclaration ad;
+		ad = fd.isThis();
+		if (ad)
+		{
+			ethis = ec;
+			if (ad.isStructDeclaration() && tybasic(ec.Ety) != TYM.TYnptr)
+			{
+				ethis = addressElem(ec, ectype);
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// Evaluate ec for side effects
+			eside = ec;
+		}
+		sfunc = fd.toSymbol();
+		if (!fd.isVirtual() ||
+			directcall ||		// BUG: fix
+			fd.isFinal())
+		{
+			// make static call
+			ec = el_var(sfunc);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// make virtual call
+			elem* ev;
+			uint vindex;
+			assert(ethis);
+			ev = el_same(&ethis);
+			ev = el_una(OPER.OPind, TYM.TYnptr, ev);
+			vindex = fd.vtblIndex;
+			// Build *(ev + vindex * 4)
+			ec = el_bin(OPER.OPadd, TYM.TYnptr, ev, el_long(TYM.TYint, vindex * 4));
+			ec = el_una(OPER.OPind, TYM.TYnptr, ec);
+			ec = el_una(OPER.OPind, tybasic(sfunc.Stype.Tty), ec);
+		}
+    }
+    else if (fd && fd.isNested())
+    {
+		assert(!ethis);
+		ethis = getEthis(Loc(0), irs, fd);
+    }
+    ep = el_param(ep, ethis);
+    if (ehidden)
+		ep = el_param(ep, ehidden);	// if ehidden goes last
+    tyret = tret.totym();
+    // Look for intrinsic functions
+    if (ec.Eoper == OPER.OPvar && (op = intrinsic_oper(ec.EV.sp.Vsym.Sident.ptr)) != OPER.OPMAX)
+    {
+		el_free(ec);
+		if (OTbinary(op))
+		{
+			ep.Eoper = op;
+			ep.Ety = tyret;
+			e = ep;
+			if (op == OPER.OPscale)
+			{
+				elem *et = e.E1;
+				e.E1() = el_una(OPER.OPd_ld, TYM.TYldouble, e.E1);
+				e.E1() = el_una(OPER.OPs32_d, TYM.TYdouble, e.E2);
+				e.E2() = et;
+			}
+			else if (op == OPER.OPyl2x || op == OPER.OPyl2xp1)
+			{
+				elem *et = e.E1;
+				e.E1() = e.E2;
+				e.E2() = et;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+			e = el_una(op,tyret,ep);
+    }
+    else if (ep)
+		e = el_bin(tf.ispure ? OPER.OPcallns : OPER.OPcall, tyret, ec, ep);
+    else
+		e = el_una(tf.ispure ? OPER.OPucallns : OPER.OPucall, tyret, ec);
+    if (retmethod == RET.RETstack)
+    {
+		e.Ety = TYM.TYnptr;
+		e = el_una(OPER.OPind, tyret, e);
+    }
+version (DMDV2) {
+    if (tf.isref)
+    {
+		e.Ety = TYM.TYnptr;
+		e = el_una(OPER.OPind, tyret, e);
+    }
+    if (tybasic(tyret) == TYM.TYstruct)
+    {
+		e.Enumbytes = cast(uint)tret.size();
+    }
+    e = el_combine(eside, e);
+    return e;
+ * Fake a struct symbol.
+ */
+Classsym* fake_classsym(Identifier id)
+	TYPE* t;
+    Classsym* scc;
+    scc = cast(Classsym*)symbol_calloc(toStringz(id.toChars()));
+    scc.Sclass = SC.SCstruct;
+    scc.Sstruct = struct_calloc();
+    scc.Sstruct.Sstructalign = 8;
+    //scc.Sstruct.ptrtype = TYM.TYnptr;
+    scc.Sstruct.Sflags = STR.STRglobal;
+    t = type_alloc(TYM.TYstruct);
+    t.Tflags |= TF.TFsizeunknown | TF.TFforward;
+    t.Ttag = scc;		// structure tag name
+    assert(t.Tmangle == 0);
+    t.Tmangle = mTYman.mTYman_d;
+    t.Tcount++;
+    scc.Stype = t;
+    slist_add(scc);
+    return scc;
+ * Return elem that evaluates to the static frame pointer for function fd.
+ * If fd is a member function, the returned expression will compute the value
+ * of fd's 'this' variable.
+ * This routine is critical for implementing nested functions.
+ */
+elem* getEthis(Loc loc, IRState* irs, Dsymbol fd)
+	elem* ethis;
+    FuncDeclaration thisfd = irs.getFunc();
+    Dsymbol fdparent = fd.toParent2();
+    //printf("getEthis(thisfd = '%s', fd = '%s', fdparent = '%s')\n", thisfd.toChars(), fd.toChars(), fdparent.toChars());
+    if (fdparent == thisfd)
+    {	
+		/* Going down one nesting level, i.e. we're calling
+		 * a nested function from its enclosing function.
+		 */
+///version (DMDV2) {
+		if (irs.sclosure)
+			ethis = el_var(irs.sclosure);
+		else
+		if (irs.sthis)
+		{   
+			// We have a 'this' pointer for the current function
+			ethis = el_var(irs.sthis);
+			/* If no variables in the current function's frame are
+			 * referenced by nested functions, then we can 'skip'
+			 * adding this frame into the linked list of stack
+			 * frames.
+			 */
+version (DMDV2) {
+			bool cond = (thisfd.closureVars.dim != 0);
+} else {
+			bool cond = thisfd.nestedFrameRef;
+			if (cond)
+			{	
+				/* Local variables are referenced, can't skip.
+				 * Address of 'this' gives the 'this' for the nested
+				 * function
+				 */
+				ethis = el_una(OPER.OPaddr, TYM.TYnptr, ethis);
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{   
+			/* No 'this' pointer for current function,
+			 * use null if no references to the current function's frame
+			 */
+			ethis = el_long(TYM.TYnptr, 0);
+version (DMDV2) {
+			bool cond = (thisfd.closureVars.dim != 0);
+} else {
+			bool cond = thisfd.nestedFrameRef;
+			if (cond)
+			{	
+				/* OPframeptr is an operator that gets the frame pointer
+				 * for the current function, i.e. for the x86 it gets
+				 * the value of EBP
+				 */
+				ethis.Eoper = OPER.OPframeptr;
+			}
+		}
+    }
+    else
+    {
+		if (!irs.sthis)		// if no frame pointer for this function
+		{
+			fd.error(loc, "is a nested function and cannot be accessed from %s", irs.getFunc().toChars());
+			ethis = el_long(TYM.TYnptr, 0);	// error recovery
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			ethis = el_var(irs.sthis);
+			Dsymbol s = thisfd;
+			while (fd != s)
+			{	
+				/* Go up a nesting level, i.e. we need to find the 'this'
+				 * of an enclosing function.
+				 * Our 'enclosing function' may also be an inner class.
+				 */
+				//printf("\ts = '%s'\n", s.toChars());
+				thisfd = s.isFuncDeclaration();
+				if (thisfd)
+				{   
+					/* Enclosing function is a function.
+					 */
+					if (fdparent == s.toParent2())
+						break;
+					if (thisfd.isNested())
+					{
+						FuncDeclaration p = s.toParent2().isFuncDeclaration();
+version (DMDV2) {
+						bool cond = !p || p.closureVars.dim;
+} else {
+						bool cond = !p || p.nestedFrameRef;
+						if (cond) {
+							ethis = el_una(OPER.OPind, TYM.TYnptr, ethis);
+						}
+					}
+					else if (thisfd.vthis)
+					{
+						;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						// Error should have been caught by front end
+						assert(0);
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{   
+					/* Enclosed by an aggregate. That means the current
+					 * function must be a member function of that aggregate.
+					 */
+					ClassDeclaration cd;
+					StructDeclaration sd;
+					AggregateDeclaration ad = s.isAggregateDeclaration();
+					if (!ad)
+						goto Lnoframe;
+					cd = s.isClassDeclaration();
+					if (cd && fd.isClassDeclaration() && fd.isClassDeclaration().isBaseOf(cd, null))
+						break;
+					sd = s.isStructDeclaration();
+					if (fd == sd)
+						break;
+					if (!ad.isNested() || !ad.vthis)
+					{
+					  Lnoframe:
+						irs.getFunc().error(loc, "cannot get frame pointer to %s", fd.toChars());
+						return el_long(TYM.TYnptr, 0);	// error recovery
+					}
+					ethis = el_bin(OPER.OPadd, TYM.TYnptr, ethis, el_long(TYM.TYint, ad.vthis.offset));
+					ethis = el_una(OPER.OPind, TYM.TYnptr, ethis);
+					if (fdparent == s.toParent2())
+						break;
+					if (auto fdd = s.toParent2().isFuncDeclaration())
+					{
+						/* Remember that frames for functions that have no
+						 * nested references are skipped in the linked list
+						 * of frames.
+						 */
+version (DMDV2) {
+						bool cond = (fdd.closureVars.dim != 0);
+} else {
+						bool cond = fdd.nestedFrameRef;						
+						if (cond) {
+							ethis = el_una(OPER.OPind, TYM.TYnptr, ethis);
+						}
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				s = s.toParent2();
+				assert(s);
+			}
+		}
+    }
+static if (false) {
+    printf("ethis:\n");
+    elem_print(ethis);
+    printf("\n");
+    return ethis;
+ * Convert array to a pointer to the data.
+ */
+elem* array_toPtr(Type t, elem* e)
+    //printf("array_toPtr()\n");
+    //elem_print(e);
+    t = t.toBasetype();
+    switch (t.ty)
+    {
+	case TY.Tpointer:
+	    break;
+	case TY.Tarray:
+	case TY.Tdelegate:
+	    if (e.Eoper == OPER.OPcomma)
+	    {
+			e.Ety = TYM.TYnptr;
+			e.E2() = array_toPtr(t, e.E2);
+	    }
+	    else if (e.Eoper == OPER.OPpair)
+	    {
+			e.Eoper = OPER.OPcomma;
+			e.Ety = TYM.TYnptr;
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+static if (true) {
+			e = el_una(OPER.OPmsw, TYM.TYnptr, e);
+} else {
+			e = el_una(OPER.OPaddr, TYM.TYnptr, e);
+			e = el_bin(OPER.OPadd, TYM.TYnptr, e, el_long(TYM.TYint, 4));
+			e = el_una(OPER.OPind, TYM.TYnptr, e);
+	    }
+	    break;
+	case TY.Tsarray:
+	    e = el_una(OPER.OPaddr, TYM.TYnptr, e);
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    ///t.print();
+	    assert(0);
+    }
+    return e;
+ * Take address of an elem.
+ */
+elem* addressElem(elem* e, Type t)
+    elem** pe;
+    //printf("addressElem()\n");
+    for (pe = &e; (*pe).Eoper == OPER.OPcomma; pe = &(*pe).E2()) {
+		;
+	}
+    if ((*pe).Eoper != OPER.OPvar && (*pe).Eoper != OPER.OPind)
+    {
+		Symbol* stmp;
+		elem* eeq;
+		elem* ee = *pe;
+		type* tx;
+		// Convert to ((tmp=ee),tmp)
+		TY ty;
+		if (t && ((ty = t.toBasetype().ty) == TY.Tstruct || ty == TY.Tsarray))
+			tx = t.toCtype();
+		else
+			tx = type_fake(ee.Ety);
+		stmp = symbol_genauto(tx);
+		eeq = el_bin(OPER.OPeq,ee.Ety,el_var(stmp),ee);
+		if (tybasic(ee.Ety) == TYM.TYstruct)
+		{
+			eeq.Eoper = OPER.OPstreq;
+			eeq.Enumbytes = ee.Enumbytes;
+		}
+		else if (tybasic(ee.Ety) == TYM.TYarray)
+		{
+			eeq.Eoper = OPER.OPstreq;
+			eeq.Ety = TYM.TYstruct;
+			eeq.Ejty = cast(ubyte)eeq.Ety;
+			eeq.Enumbytes = cast(uint)t.size();
+		}
+		*pe = el_bin(OPER.OPcomma, ee.Ety, eeq, el_var(stmp));
+    }
+    e = el_una(OPER.OPaddr, TYM.TYnptr, e);
+    return e;
+ * Convert intrinsic function to operator.
+ * Returns that operator, -1 if not an intrinsic function.
+ */
+extern (C++) extern int intrinsic_op(char* name);
+OPER intrinsic_oper(const(char)* name)
+	int result = intrinsic_op(cast(char*)name);
+	if (result == -1) return OPER.OPMAX;
+	return cast(OPER)result;
+ */
+elem* Dsymbol_toElem(Dsymbol s, IRState *irs)
+    elem *e = null;
+    Symbol* sp;
+    AttribDeclaration ad;
+    VarDeclaration vd;
+    ClassDeclaration cd;
+    StructDeclaration sd;
+    FuncDeclaration fd;
+    TemplateMixin tm;
+    TupleDeclaration td;
+    TypedefDeclaration tyd;
+    //printf("Dsymbol_toElem() %s\n", s.toChars());
+    ad = s.isAttribDeclaration();
+    if (ad)
+    {
+		Array decl = ad.include(null, null);
+		if (decl && decl.dim)
+		{
+			for (size_t i = 0; i < decl.dim; i++)
+			{
+				s = cast(Dsymbol)decl.data[i];
+				e = el_combine(e, Dsymbol_toElem(s, irs));
+			}
+		}
+    }
+    else if ((vd = s.isVarDeclaration()) !is null)
+    {
+		s = s.toAlias();
+		if (s != vd)
+			return Dsymbol_toElem(s, irs);
+		if (vd.isStatic() || vd.storage_class & (STC.STCextern | STC.STCtls | STC.STCgshared))
+			vd.toObjFile(0);
+		else
+		{
+			sp = s.toSymbol();
+			symbol_add(sp);
+			//printf("\tadding symbol '%s'\n", sp.Sident);
+			if (vd.init)
+			{
+				ExpInitializer ie = vd.init.isExpInitializer();
+				if (ie) {
+					e = ie.exp.toElem(irs);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+    }
+    else if ((cd = s.isClassDeclaration()) !is null)
+    {
+		irs.deferToObj.push(cast(void*)s);
+    }
+    else if ((sd = s.isStructDeclaration()) !is null)
+    {
+		irs.deferToObj.push(cast(void*)sd);
+    }
+    else if ((fd = s.isFuncDeclaration()) !is null)
+    {
+		//printf("function %s\n", fd.toChars());
+		irs.deferToObj.push(cast(void*)fd);
+    }
+    else if ((tm = s.isTemplateMixin()) !is null)
+    {
+		//printf("%s\n", tm.toChars());
+		if (tm.members)
+		{
+			for (size_t i = 0; i < tm.members.dim; i++)
+			{
+				Dsymbol sm = cast(Dsymbol)tm.members.data[i];
+				e = el_combine(e, Dsymbol_toElem(sm, irs));
+			}
+		}
+    }
+    else if ((td = s.isTupleDeclaration()) !is null)
+    {
+		for (size_t i = 0; i < td.objects.dim; i++)
+		{   
+			Object o = cast(Object)td.objects.data[i];
+			///if (o.dyncast() == DYNCAST_EXPRESSION)
+			if (Expression eo = cast(Expression)o)
+			{	
+				if (eo.op == TOK.TOKdsymbol)
+				{   
+					DsymbolExp se = cast(DsymbolExp)eo;
+					e = el_combine(e, Dsymbol_toElem(se.s, irs));
+				}
+			}
+		}
+    }
+    else if ((tyd = s.isTypedefDeclaration()) !is null)
+    {
+		irs.deferToObj.push(cast(void*)tyd);
+    }
+    return e;
+ * Given an expression e that is an array,
+ * determine and set the 'length' variable.
+ * Input:
+ *	lengthVar	Symbol of 'length' variable
+ *	&e	expression that is the array
+ *	t1	Type of the array
+ * Output:
+ *	e	is rewritten to avoid side effects
+ * Returns:
+ *	expression that initializes 'length'
+ */
+elem* resolveLengthVar(VarDeclaration lengthVar, elem** pe, Type t1)
+    //printf("resolveLengthVar()\n");
+    elem* einit = null;
+    if (lengthVar && !(lengthVar.storage_class & STC.STCconst))
+    {   
+		elem* elength;
+		Symbol* slength;
+		if (t1.ty == TY.Tsarray)
+		{   
+			TypeSArray tsa = cast(TypeSArray)t1;
+			long length = tsa.dim.toInteger();
+			elength = el_long(TYM.TYuint, length);
+			goto L3;
+		}
+		else if (t1.ty == TY.Tarray)
+		{
+			elength = *pe;
+			*pe = el_same(&elength);
+			elength = el_una(OPER.OP64_32, TYM.TYuint, elength);
+		L3:
+			slength = lengthVar.toSymbol();
+			//symbol_add(slength);
+			einit = el_bin(OPER.OPeq, TYM.TYuint, el_var(slength), elength);
+		}
+    }
+    return einit;
+ * Set an array pointed to by eptr to evalue:
+ *	eptr[0..edim] = evalue;
+ * Input:
+ *	eptr	where to write the data to
+ *	evalue	value to write
+ *	edim	number of times to write evalue to eptr[]
+ *	tb	type of evalue
+ */
+elem* setArray(elem* eptr, elem* edim, Type tb, elem* evalue, IRState* irs, int op)
+	int r;
+    elem* e;
+    int sz = cast(int)tb.size();
+    if (tb.ty == TY.Tfloat80 || tb.ty == TY.Timaginary80)
+    else if (tb.ty == TY.Tcomplex80)
+    else if (tb.ty == TY.Tcomplex64)
+    else
+    {
+		switch (sz)
+		{
+			case 1:	 r = RTLSYM.RTLSYM_MEMSET8;		break;
+			case 2:	 r = RTLSYM.RTLSYM_MEMSET16;	break;
+			case 4:	 r = RTLSYM.RTLSYM_MEMSET32;	break;
+			case 8:	 r = RTLSYM.RTLSYM_MEMSET64;	break;
+			default: r = RTLSYM.RTLSYM_MEMSETN;		break;
+		}
+		/* Determine if we need to do postblit
+		 */
+		if (op != TOK.TOKblit)
+		{
+			StructDeclaration sd = needsPostblit(tb);
+			if (sd)
+			{   
+				/* Need to do postblit.
+				 *   void *_d_arraysetassign(void *p, void *value, int dim, TypeInfo ti);
+				 */
+				evalue = el_una(OPER.OPaddr, TYM.TYnptr, evalue);
+				Expression ti = tb.getTypeInfo(null);
+				elem* eti = ti.toElem(irs);
+				e = el_params(eti, edim, evalue, eptr, null);
+				e = el_bin(OPER.OPcall, TYM.TYnptr, el_var(rtlsym[r]), e);
+				return e;
+			}
+		}
+		{
+			// void *_memsetn(void *p, void *value, int dim, int sizelem)
+			evalue = el_una(OPER.OPaddr, TYM.TYnptr, evalue);
+			elem *esz = el_long(TYM.TYint, sz);
+			e = el_params(esz, edim, evalue, eptr, null);
+			e = el_bin(OPER.OPcall, TYM.TYnptr, el_var(rtlsym[r]), e);
+			return e;
+		}
+    }
+    if (sz > 1 && sz <= 8 && evalue.Eoper == OPER.OPconst && el_allbits(evalue, 0))
+    {
+		edim = el_bin(OPER.OPmul, TYM.TYuint, edim, el_long(TYM.TYuint, sz));
+    }
+    if (tybasic(evalue.Ety) == TYM.TYstruct)
+    {
+		evalue = el_una(OPER.OPstrpar, TYM.TYstruct, evalue);
+		evalue.Enumbytes = evalue.E1.Enumbytes;
+		assert(evalue.Enumbytes);
+    }
+    // Be careful about parameter side effect ordering
+    if (r == RTLSYM.RTLSYM_MEMSET8)
+    {
+		e = el_param(edim, evalue);
+		e = el_bin(OPER.OPmemset, TYM.TYnptr, eptr, e);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+		e = el_params(edim, evalue, eptr, null);
+		e = el_bin(OPER.OPcall, TYM.TYnptr, el_var(rtlsym[r]), e);
+    }
+    return e;
+ * Initialize the hidden aggregate member, vthis, with
+ * the context pointer.
+ * Returns:
+ *	*(ey + ad.vthis.offset) = this;
+ */
+version (DMDV2) {
+	elem* setEthis(Loc loc, IRState* irs, elem* ey, AggregateDeclaration ad)
+	{
+		elem* ethis;
+		FuncDeclaration thisfd = irs.getFunc();
+		int offset = 0;
+		Dsymbol cdp = ad.toParent2();	// class/func we're nested in
+		//printf("setEthis(ad = %s, cdp = %s, thisfd = %s)\n", ad.toChars(), cdp.toChars(), thisfd.toChars());
+		if (cdp is thisfd)
+		{   
+			/* Class we're new'ing is a local class in this function:
+			 *	void thisfd() { class ad { } }
+			 */
+			if (irs.sclosure)
+				ethis = el_var(irs.sclosure);
+			else if (irs.sthis)
+			{
+///	version (DMDV2) {
+				if (thisfd.closureVars.dim)
+///	} else {
+///				if (thisfd.nestedFrameRef)
+///	}
+				{
+					ethis = el_ptr(irs.sthis);
+				}
+				else
+					ethis = el_var(irs.sthis);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				ethis = el_long(TYM.TYnptr, 0);
+///	version (DMDV2) {
+				if (thisfd.closureVars.dim)
+///	} else {
+///				if (thisfd.nestedFrameRef)
+///	}
+				{
+					ethis.Eoper = OPER.OPframeptr;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else if (thisfd.vthis && (
+					cdp == thisfd.toParent2() || (
+								cdp.isClassDeclaration() && cdp.isClassDeclaration().isBaseOf(thisfd.toParent2().isClassDeclaration(), &offset)
+							)
+						)
+				)
+		{   
+			/* Class we're new'ing is at the same level as thisfd
+			 */
+			assert(offset == 0);	// BUG: should handle this case
+			ethis = el_var(irs.sthis);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			ethis = getEthis(loc, irs, ad.toParent2());
+			ethis = el_una(OPER.OPaddr, TYM.TYnptr, ethis);
+		}
+		ey = el_bin(OPER.OPadd, TYM.TYnptr, ey, el_long(TYM.TYint, ad.vthis.offset));
+		ey = el_una(OPER.OPind, TYM.TYnptr, ey);
+		ey = el_bin(OPER.OPeq,  TYM.TYnptr, ey, ethis);
+		return ey;
+	}
+ * Determine if t is an array of structs that need a postblit.
+ */
+StructDeclaration needsPostblit(Type t)
+    t = t.toBasetype();
+    while (t.ty == TY.Tsarray)
+		t = t.nextOf().toBasetype();
+    if (t.ty == TY.Tstruct)
+    {   
+		StructDeclaration sd = (cast(TypeStruct)t).sym;
+		if (sd.postblit)
+			return sd;
+    }
+    return null;
+ * Convert array to a dynamic array.
+ */
+elem* array_toDarray(Type t, elem* e)
+    uint dim;
+    elem* ef = null;
+    elem* ex;
+    //printf("array_toDarray(t = %s)\n", t.toChars());
+    //elem_print(e);
+    t = t.toBasetype();
+    switch (t.ty)
+    {
+		case TY.Tarray:
+			break;
+		case TY.Tsarray:
+			e = el_una(OPER.OPaddr, TYM.TYnptr, e);
+			dim = cast(uint)(cast(TypeSArray)t).dim.toInteger();
+			e = el_pair(TYM.TYullong, el_long(TYM.TYint, dim), e);
+			break;
+		default:
+		L1:
+			switch (e.Eoper)
+			{
+				case OPER.OPconst:
+				{
+					size_t len = tysize[tybasic(e.Ety)];
+					elem* es = el_calloc();
+					es.Eoper = OPER.OPstring;
+					// Match MEM_PH_FREE for OPstring in ztc\el.c
+					es.EV.ss.Vstring = cast(char*)malloc(len);	///
+					memcpy(es.EV.ss.Vstring, &e.EV, len);
+					es.EV.ss.Vstrlen = len;
+					es.Ety = TYM.TYnptr;
+					e = es;
+					break;
+				}
+				case OPER.OPvar:
+					e = el_una(OPER.OPaddr, TYM.TYnptr, e);
+					break;
+				case OPER.OPcomma:
+					ef = el_combine(ef, e.E1);
+					ex = e;
+					e = e.E2;
+					ex.E1() = null;
+					ex.E2() = null;
+					el_free(ex);
+					goto L1;
+				case OPER.OPind:
+					ex = e;
+					e = e.E1;
+					ex.E1() = null;
+					ex.E2() = null;
+					el_free(ex);
+					break;
+				default:
+				{
+					// Copy expression to a variable and take the
+					// address of that variable.
+					Symbol* stmp;
+					tym_t ty = tybasic(e.Ety);
+					if (ty == TYM.TYstruct)
+					{
+						if (e.Enumbytes == 4)
+							ty = TYM.TYint;
+						else if (e.Enumbytes == 8)
+							ty = TYM.TYllong;
+					}
+					e.Ety = ty;
+					stmp = symbol_genauto(type_fake(ty));
+					e = el_bin(OPER.OPeq, e.Ety, el_var(stmp), e);
+					e = el_bin(OPER.OPcomma, TYM.TYnptr, e, el_una(OPER.OPaddr, TYM.TYnptr, el_var(stmp)));
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			dim = 1;
+			e = el_pair(TYM.TYullong, el_long(TYM.TYint, dim), e);
+			break;
+    }
+    return el_combine(ef, e);
+elem* sarray_toDarray(Loc loc, Type tfrom, Type tto, elem* e)
+    //printf("sarray_toDarray()\n");
+    //elem_print(e);
+    elem* elen;
+    uint dim = cast(uint)(cast(TypeSArray)tfrom).dim.toInteger();
+    if (tto)
+    {
+		uint fsize = cast(uint)tfrom.nextOf().size();
+		uint tsize = cast(uint)tto.nextOf().size();
+		if ((dim * fsize) % tsize != 0)
+		{
+		  Lerr:
+			error(loc, "cannot cast %s to %s since sizes don't line up", tfrom.toChars(), tto.toChars());
+		}
+		dim = (dim * fsize) / tsize;
+	}
+  L1:
+    elen = el_long(TYM.TYint, dim);
+    e = el_una(OPER.OPaddr, TYM.TYnptr, e);
+    e = el_pair(TYM.TYullong, elen, e);
+    return e;
+elem* eval_Darray(IRState* irs, Expression e)
+    elem* ex = e.toElem(irs);
+    return array_toDarray(e.type, ex);
+ * Generate code to set index into scope table.
+ */
+void setScopeIndex(Blockx* blx, block* b, int scope_index)
+version (SEH) {
+    block_appendexp(b, nteh_setScopeTableIndex(blx, scope_index));
+ * Create a static symbol we can hang DT initializers onto.
+ */
+Symbol* static_sym()
+    Symbol* s;
+    type* t;
+    t = type_alloc(TYint);
+    t.Tcount++;
+    s = symbol_calloc("internal");
+    s.Sclass = SCstatic;
+    s.Sfl = FLextern;
+    s.Sflags |= SFLnodebug;
+    s.Stype = t;
+version (ELFOBJ_OR_MACHOBJ) {
+    s.Sseg = DATA;
+    slist_add(s);
+    return s;
+ * Convert label to block.
+ */
+block* labelToBlock(Loc loc, Blockx *blx, LabelDsymbol label)
+    LabelStatement s;
+    if (!label.statement)
+    {
+		error(loc, "undefined label %s", label.toChars());
+		return null;
+    }
+    s = label.statement;
+    if (!s.lblock)
+    {	
+		s.lblock = block_calloc(blx);
+		if (s.isReturnLabel)
+			s.lblock.Btry = null;
+    }
+    return s.lblock;
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