diff dmd/TypeBasic.d @ 0:10317f0c89a5

Initial commit
author korDen
date Sat, 24 Oct 2009 08:42:06 +0400
children fd4acc376c45
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dmd/TypeBasic.d	Sat Oct 24 08:42:06 2009 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+module dmd.TypeBasic;
+import dmd.Type;
+import dmd.Id;
+import dmd.MOD;
+import dmd.TOK;
+import dmd.Token;
+import dmd.TFLAGS;
+import dmd.TY;
+import dmd.Loc;
+import dmd.Scope;
+import dmd.Expression;
+import dmd.IntegerExp;
+import dmd.Identifier;
+import dmd.OutBuffer;
+import dmd.HdrGenState;
+import dmd.CppMangleState;
+import dmd.MATCH;
+import dmd.RealExp;
+import dmd.ComplexExp;
+import dmd.Util;
+import dmd.Port;
+import dmd.Complex;
+class TypeBasic : Type
+    string dstring;
+    uint flags;
+    this(TY ty)
+	{
+		super(ty);
+		enum TFLAGSintegral	= 1;
+		enum TFLAGSfloating = 2;
+		enum TFLAGSunsigned = 4;
+		enum TFLAGSreal = 8;
+		enum TFLAGSimaginary = 0x10;
+		enum TFLAGScomplex = 0x20;
+		string d;
+		uint flags = 0;
+		switch (ty)
+		{
+		case TY.Tvoid:	d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKvoid);
+				break;
+		case TY.Tint8:	d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKint8);
+				flags |= TFLAGSintegral;
+				break;
+		case TY.Tuns8:	d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKuns8);
+				flags |= TFLAGSintegral | TFLAGSunsigned;
+				break;
+		case TY.Tint16:	d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKint16);
+				flags |= TFLAGSintegral;
+				break;
+		case TY.Tuns16:	d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKuns16);
+				flags |= TFLAGSintegral | TFLAGSunsigned;
+				break;
+		case TY.Tint32:	d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKint32);
+				flags |= TFLAGSintegral;
+				break;
+		case TY.Tuns32:	d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKuns32);
+				flags |= TFLAGSintegral | TFLAGSunsigned;
+				break;
+		case TY.Tfloat32:	d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKfloat32);
+				flags |= TFLAGSfloating | TFLAGSreal;
+				break;
+		case TY.Tint64:	d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKint64);
+				flags |= TFLAGSintegral;
+				break;
+		case TY.Tuns64:	d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKuns64);
+				flags |= TFLAGSintegral | TFLAGSunsigned;
+				break;
+		case TY.Tfloat64:	d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKfloat64);
+				flags |= TFLAGSfloating | TFLAGSreal;
+				break;
+		case TY.Tfloat80:	d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKfloat80);
+				flags |= TFLAGSfloating | TFLAGSreal;
+				break;
+		case TY.Timaginary32: d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKimaginary32);
+				flags |= TFLAGSfloating | TFLAGSimaginary;
+				break;
+		case TY.Timaginary64: d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKimaginary64);
+				flags |= TFLAGSfloating | TFLAGSimaginary;
+				break;
+		case TY.Timaginary80: d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKimaginary80);
+				flags |= TFLAGSfloating | TFLAGSimaginary;
+				break;
+		case TY.Tcomplex32: d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKcomplex32);
+				flags |= TFLAGSfloating | TFLAGScomplex;
+				break;
+		case TY.Tcomplex64: d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKcomplex64);
+				flags |= TFLAGSfloating | TFLAGScomplex;
+				break;
+		case TY.Tcomplex80: d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKcomplex80);
+				flags |= TFLAGSfloating | TFLAGScomplex;
+				break;
+		case TY.Tbool:	d = "bool";
+				flags |= TFLAGSintegral | TFLAGSunsigned;
+				break;
+		case TY.Tascii:	d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKchar);
+				flags |= TFLAGSintegral | TFLAGSunsigned;
+				break;
+		case TY.Twchar:	d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKwchar);
+				flags |= TFLAGSintegral | TFLAGSunsigned;
+				break;
+		case TY.Tdchar:	d = Token.toChars(TOK.TOKdchar);
+				flags |= TFLAGSintegral | TFLAGSunsigned;
+				break;
+		}
+		this.dstring = d;
+		this.flags = flags;
+		merge();
+	}
+version (DumbClone) {
+} else {
+	Type clone()
+	{
+		assert(false);
+	}
+    Type syntaxCopy()
+	{
+		// No semantic analysis done on basic types, no need to copy
+		return this;
+	}
+    ulong size(Loc loc)
+	{
+		uint size;
+		//printf("TypeBasic.size()\n");
+		switch (ty)
+		{
+			case TY.Tint8:
+			case TY.Tuns8:	size = 1;	break;
+			case TY.Tint16:
+			case TY.Tuns16:	size = 2;	break;
+			case TY.Tint32:
+			case TY.Tuns32:
+			case TY.Tfloat32:
+			case TY.Timaginary32:
+					size = 4;	break;
+			case TY.Tint64:
+			case TY.Tuns64:
+			case TY.Tfloat64:
+			case TY.Timaginary64:
+					size = 8;	break;
+			case TY.Tfloat80:
+			case TY.Timaginary80:
+					size = REALSIZE;	break;
+			case TY.Tcomplex32:
+					size = 8;		break;
+			case TY.Tcomplex64:
+					size = 16;		break;
+			case TY.Tcomplex80:
+					size = REALSIZE * 2;	break;
+			case TY.Tvoid:
+				//size = Type.size();	// error message
+				size = 1;
+				break;
+			case TY.Tbool:	size = 1;		break;
+			case TY.Tascii:	size = 1;		break;
+			case TY.Twchar:	size = 2;		break;
+			case TY.Tdchar:	size = 4;		break;
+			default:
+				assert(0);
+				break;
+		}
+		//printf("TypeBasic.size() = %d\n", size);
+		return size;
+	}
+    uint alignsize()
+	{
+		uint sz;
+		switch (ty)
+		{
+		case TY.Tfloat80:
+		case TY.Timaginary80:
+		case TY.Tcomplex80:
+			break;
+		case TY.Tint64:
+		case TY.Tuns64:
+		case TY.Tfloat64:
+		case TY.Timaginary64:
+		case TY.Tcomplex32:
+		case TY.Tcomplex64:
+			sz = 4;
+			break;
+		default:
+			sz = cast(uint)size(Loc(0));	///
+			break;
+		}
+		return sz;
+	}
+    Expression getProperty(Loc loc, Identifier ident)
+	{
+		Expression e;
+		long ivalue;
+		real fvalue;
+		//printf("TypeBasic.getProperty('%s')\n", ident.toChars());
+		if (ident is Id.max)
+		{
+			switch (ty)
+			{
+				case TY.Tint8:	ivalue = byte.max;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tuns8:	ivalue = ubyte.max;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tint16:	ivalue = short.max;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tuns16:	ivalue = ushort.max;	goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tint32:	ivalue = int.max;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tuns32:	ivalue = uint.max;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tint64:	ivalue = long.max;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tuns64:	ivalue = ulong.max;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tbool:	ivalue = bool.max;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tchar:	ivalue = char.max;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Twchar:	ivalue = wchar.max;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tdchar:	ivalue = 0x10FFFF;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tcomplex32:
+				case TY.Timaginary32:
+				case TY.Tfloat32:	fvalue = float.max;	goto Lfvalue;
+				case TY.Tcomplex64:
+				case TY.Timaginary64:
+				case TY.Tfloat64:	fvalue = double.max;goto Lfvalue;
+				case TY.Tcomplex80:
+				case TY.Timaginary80:
+				case TY.Tfloat80:	fvalue = real.max;	goto Lfvalue;
+			}
+		}
+		else if (ident is Id.min)
+		{
+			switch (ty)
+			{
+				case TY.Tint8:		ivalue = byte.min;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tuns8:		ivalue = ubyte.min;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tint16:		ivalue = short.min;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tuns16:		ivalue = ushort.min;	goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tint32:		ivalue = int.min;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tuns32:		ivalue = uint.min;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tint64:		ivalue = long.min;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tuns64:		ivalue = ulong.min;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tbool:		ivalue = bool.min;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tchar:		ivalue = char.min;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Twchar:		ivalue = wchar.min;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tdchar:		ivalue = dchar.min;		goto Livalue;
+				case TY.Tcomplex32:
+				case TY.Timaginary32:
+				case TY.Tfloat32:	fvalue = float.min;		goto Lfvalue;
+				case TY.Tcomplex64:
+				case TY.Timaginary64:
+				case TY.Tfloat64:	fvalue = double.min;		goto Lfvalue;
+				case TY.Tcomplex80:
+				case TY.Timaginary80:
+				case TY.Tfloat80:	fvalue = real.min;		goto Lfvalue;
+			}
+		}
+		else if (ident is Id.nan)
+		{
+			switch (ty)
+			{
+				case TY.Tcomplex32:
+				case TY.Tcomplex64:
+				case TY.Tcomplex80:
+				case TY.Timaginary32:
+				case TY.Timaginary64:
+				case TY.Timaginary80:
+				case TY.Tfloat32:
+				case TY.Tfloat64:
+				case TY.Tfloat80:
+				{
+					fvalue = real.nan;
+					goto Lfvalue;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else if (ident is Id.infinity)
+		{
+			switch (ty)
+			{
+				case TY.Tcomplex32:
+				case TY.Tcomplex64:
+				case TY.Tcomplex80:
+				case TY.Timaginary32:
+				case TY.Timaginary64:
+				case TY.Timaginary80:
+				case TY.Tfloat32:
+				case TY.Tfloat64:
+				case TY.Tfloat80:
+					fvalue = real.infinity;
+					goto Lfvalue;
+			}
+		}
+		else if (ident is Id.dig)
+		{
+			switch (ty)
+			{
+				case TY.Tcomplex32:
+				case TY.Timaginary32:
+				case TY.Tfloat32:	ivalue = float.dig;	goto Lint;
+				case TY.Tcomplex64:
+				case TY.Timaginary64:
+				case TY.Tfloat64:	ivalue = double.dig;	goto Lint;
+				case TY.Tcomplex80:
+				case TY.Timaginary80:
+				case TY.Tfloat80:	ivalue = real.dig;	goto Lint;
+			}
+		}
+		else if (ident is Id.epsilon)
+		{
+			switch (ty)
+			{
+				case TY.Tcomplex32:
+				case TY.Timaginary32:
+				case TY.Tfloat32:	fvalue = float.epsilon;	goto Lfvalue;
+				case TY.Tcomplex64:
+				case TY.Timaginary64:
+				case TY.Tfloat64:	fvalue = double.epsilon;	goto Lfvalue;
+				case TY.Tcomplex80:
+				case TY.Timaginary80:
+				case TY.Tfloat80:	fvalue = real.epsilon;	goto Lfvalue;
+			}
+		}
+		else if (ident is Id.mant_dig)
+		{
+			switch (ty)
+			{
+				case TY.Tcomplex32:
+				case TY.Timaginary32:
+				case TY.Tfloat32:	ivalue = float.mant_dig;	goto Lint;
+				case TY.Tcomplex64:
+				case TY.Timaginary64:
+				case TY.Tfloat64:	ivalue = double.mant_dig;	goto Lint;
+				case TY.Tcomplex80:
+				case TY.Timaginary80:
+				case TY.Tfloat80:	ivalue = real.mant_dig; goto Lint;
+			}
+		}
+		else if (ident is Id.max_10_exp)
+		{
+			switch (ty)
+			{
+				case TY.Tcomplex32:
+				case TY.Timaginary32:
+				case TY.Tfloat32:	ivalue = float.max_10_exp;	goto Lint;
+				case TY.Tcomplex64:
+				case TY.Timaginary64:
+				case TY.Tfloat64:	ivalue = double.max_10_exp;	goto Lint;
+				case TY.Tcomplex80:
+				case TY.Timaginary80:
+				case TY.Tfloat80:	ivalue = real.max_10_exp;	goto Lint;
+			}
+		}
+		else if (ident is Id.max_exp)
+		{
+			switch (ty)
+			{
+				case TY.Tcomplex32:
+				case TY.Timaginary32:
+				case TY.Tfloat32:	ivalue = float.max_exp;	goto Lint;
+				case TY.Tcomplex64:
+				case TY.Timaginary64:
+				case TY.Tfloat64:	ivalue = double.max_exp;	goto Lint;
+				case TY.Tcomplex80:
+				case TY.Timaginary80:
+				case TY.Tfloat80:	ivalue = real.max_exp;	goto Lint;
+			}
+		}
+		else if (ident is Id.min_10_exp)
+		{
+			switch (ty)
+			{
+				case TY.Tcomplex32:
+				case TY.Timaginary32:
+				case TY.Tfloat32:	ivalue = float.min_10_exp;	goto Lint;
+				case TY.Tcomplex64:
+				case TY.Timaginary64:
+				case TY.Tfloat64:	ivalue = double.min_10_exp;	goto Lint;
+				case TY.Tcomplex80:
+				case TY.Timaginary80:
+				case TY.Tfloat80:	ivalue = real.min_10_exp;	goto Lint;
+			}
+		}
+		else if (ident is Id.min_exp)
+		{
+			switch (ty)
+			{
+				case TY.Tcomplex32:
+				case TY.Timaginary32:
+				case TY.Tfloat32:	ivalue = float.min_exp;	goto Lint;
+				case TY.Tcomplex64:
+				case TY.Timaginary64:
+				case TY.Tfloat64:	ivalue = double.min_exp;	goto Lint;
+				case TY.Tcomplex80:
+				case TY.Timaginary80:
+				case TY.Tfloat80:	ivalue = real.min_exp;	goto Lint;
+			}
+		}
+	Ldefault:
+		return Type.getProperty(loc, ident);
+	Livalue:
+		e = new IntegerExp(loc, ivalue, this);
+		return e;
+	Lfvalue:
+		if (isreal() || isimaginary())
+			e = new RealExp(loc, fvalue, this);
+		else
+		{
+			Complex!(real) cvalue;
+			cvalue.re = fvalue;
+			cvalue.im = fvalue;
+			//for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
+			//    printf("%02x ", ((unsigned char *)&cvalue)[i]);
+			//printf("\n");
+			e = new ComplexExp(loc, cvalue, this);
+		}
+		return e;
+	Lint:
+		e = new IntegerExp(loc, ivalue, Type.tint32);
+		return e;
+	}
+    Expression dotExp(Scope sc, Expression e, Identifier ident)
+	{
+version (LOGDOTEXP) {
+		printf("TypeBasic.dotExp(e = '%s', ident = '%s')\n", e.toChars(), ident.toChars());
+		Type t;
+		if (ident is Id.re)
+		{
+			switch (ty)
+			{
+				case TY.Tcomplex32:	t = tfloat32;		goto L1;
+				case TY.Tcomplex64:	t = tfloat64;		goto L1;
+				case TY.Tcomplex80:	t = tfloat80;		goto L1;
+				L1:
+					e = e.castTo(sc, t);
+					break;
+				case TY.Tfloat32:
+				case TY.Tfloat64:
+				case TY.Tfloat80:
+					break;
+				case TY.Timaginary32:	t = tfloat32;		goto L2;
+				case TY.Timaginary64:	t = tfloat64;		goto L2;
+				case TY.Timaginary80:	t = tfloat80;		goto L2;
+				L2:
+					e = new RealExp(Loc(0), 0.0, t);
+					break;
+				default:
+					return Type.getProperty(e.loc, ident);
+			}
+		}
+		else if (ident is Id.im)
+		{	
+			Type t2;
+			switch (ty)
+			{
+				case TY.Tcomplex32:	t = timaginary32;	t2 = tfloat32;	goto L3;
+				case TY.Tcomplex64:	t = timaginary64;	t2 = tfloat64;	goto L3;
+				case TY.Tcomplex80:	t = timaginary80;	t2 = tfloat80;	goto L3;
+				L3:
+					e = e.castTo(sc, t);
+					e.type = t2;
+					break;
+				case TY.Timaginary32:	t = tfloat32;	goto L4;
+				case TY.Timaginary64:	t = tfloat64;	goto L4;
+				case TY.Timaginary80:	t = tfloat80;	goto L4;
+				L4:
+					e = e.copy();
+					e.type = t;
+					break;
+				case TY.Tfloat32:
+				case TY.Tfloat64:
+				case TY.Tfloat80:
+					e = new RealExp(Loc(0), 0.0, this);
+					break;
+				default:
+					return Type.getProperty(e.loc, ident);
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			return Type.dotExp(sc, e, ident);
+		}
+		return e;
+	}
+    string toChars()
+	{
+		return Type.toChars();
+	}
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer buf, HdrGenState* hgs, MOD mod)
+	{
+		//printf("TypeBasic.toCBuffer2(mod = %d, this.mod = %d)\n", mod, this.mod);
+		if (mod != this.mod)
+		{	
+			toCBuffer3(buf, hgs, mod);
+			return;
+		}
+		buf.writestring(dstring);
+	}
+version (CPP_MANGLE) {
+    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer buf, CppMangleState* cms)
+	{
+		assert(false);
+	}
+    bool isintegral()
+	{
+		//printf("TypeBasic.isintegral('%s') x%x\n", toChars(), flags);
+		return (flags & TFLAGS.TFLAGSintegral) != 0;
+	}
+    bool isbit()
+	{
+		assert(false);
+	}
+    bool isfloating()
+	{
+		return (flags & TFLAGS.TFLAGSfloating) != 0;
+	}
+    bool isreal()
+	{
+		return (flags & TFLAGS.TFLAGSreal) != 0;
+	}
+    bool isimaginary()
+	{
+		return (flags & TFLAGS.TFLAGSimaginary) != 0;
+	}
+    bool iscomplex()
+	{
+		return (flags & TFLAGS.TFLAGScomplex) != 0;
+	}
+    bool isscalar()
+	{
+		return (flags & (TFLAGS.TFLAGSintegral | TFLAGS.TFLAGSfloating)) != 0;
+	}
+    bool isunsigned()
+	{
+		return (flags & TFLAGS.TFLAGSunsigned) != 0;
+	}
+    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type to)
+	{
+		//printf("TypeBasic.implicitConvTo(%s) from %s\n", to.toChars(), toChars());
+		if (this is to)
+			return MATCH.MATCHexact;
+version (DMDV2) {
+		if (ty is to.ty)
+		{
+			return (mod == to.mod) ? MATCH.MATCHexact : MATCH.MATCHconst;
+		}
+		if (ty == TY.Tvoid || to.ty == TY.Tvoid)
+			return MATCH.MATCHnomatch;
+		if (to.ty == TY.Tbool)
+			return MATCH.MATCHnomatch;
+		if (!to.isTypeBasic())
+			return MATCH.MATCHnomatch;
+		TypeBasic tob = cast(TypeBasic)to;
+		if (flags & TFLAGS.TFLAGSintegral)
+		{
+		// Disallow implicit conversion of integers to imaginary or complex
+		if (tob.flags & (TFLAGS.TFLAGSimaginary | TFLAGS.TFLAGScomplex))
+			return MATCH.MATCHnomatch;
+version (DMDV2) {
+		// If converting from integral to integral
+		if (1 && tob.flags & TFLAGS.TFLAGSintegral)
+		{   ulong sz = size(Loc(0));
+			ulong tosz = tob.size(Loc(0));
+			/* Can't convert to smaller size
+			 */
+			if (sz > tosz)
+			return MATCH.MATCHnomatch;
+			/* Can't change sign if same size
+			 */
+			/*if (sz == tosz && (flags ^ tob.flags) & TFLAGSunsigned)
+			return MATCH.MATCHnomatch;*/
+		}
+		}
+		else if (flags & TFLAGS.TFLAGSfloating)
+		{
+		// Disallow implicit conversion of floating point to integer
+		if (tob.flags & TFLAGS.TFLAGSintegral)
+			return MATCH.MATCHnomatch;
+		assert(tob.flags & TFLAGS.TFLAGSfloating);
+		// Disallow implicit conversion from complex to non-complex
+		if (flags & TFLAGS.TFLAGScomplex && !(tob.flags & TFLAGS.TFLAGScomplex))
+			return MATCH.MATCHnomatch;
+		// Disallow implicit conversion of real or imaginary to complex
+		if (flags & (TFLAGS.TFLAGSreal | TFLAGS.TFLAGSimaginary) &&
+			tob.flags & TFLAGS.TFLAGScomplex)
+			return MATCH.MATCHnomatch;
+		// Disallow implicit conversion to-from real and imaginary
+		if ((flags & (TFLAGS.TFLAGSreal | TFLAGS.TFLAGSimaginary)) !=
+			(tob.flags & (TFLAGS.TFLAGSreal | TFLAGS.TFLAGSimaginary)))
+			return MATCH.MATCHnomatch;
+		}
+		return MATCH.MATCHconvert;
+	}
+    Expression defaultInit(Loc loc)
+	{
+		long value = 0;
+version (SNAN_DEFAULT_INIT) {
+		/*
+		 * Use a payload which is different from the machine NaN,
+		 * so that uninitialised variables can be
+		 * detected even if exceptions are disabled.
+		 */
+		ushort[8] snan = [ 0, 0, 0, 0xA000, 0x7FFF, 0, 0, 0 ];
+		/*
+		 * Although long doubles are 10 bytes long, some
+		 * C ABIs pad them out to 12 or even 16 bytes, so
+		 * leave enough space in the snan array.
+		 */
+		assert(REALSIZE <= snan.sizeof);
+		real fvalue = *cast(real*)snan.ptr;
+	version (LOGDEFAULTINIT) {
+		printf("TypeBasic.defaultInit() '%s'\n", toChars());
+	}
+		switch (ty)
+		{
+			case TY.Tchar:
+				value = 0xFF;
+				break;
+			case TY.Twchar:
+			case TY.Tdchar:
+				value = 0xFFFF;
+				break;
+			case TY.Timaginary32:
+			case TY.Timaginary64:
+			case TY.Timaginary80:
+			case TY.Tfloat32:
+			case TY.Tfloat64:
+			case TY.Tfloat80:
+	version (SNAN_DEFAULT_INIT) {
+				return new RealExp(loc, fvalue, this);
+	} else {
+				return getProperty(loc, Id.nan);
+	}
+			case TY.Tcomplex32:
+			case TY.Tcomplex64:
+			case TY.Tcomplex80:
+	version (SNAN_DEFAULT_INIT) {
+			{   
+				// Can't use fvalue + I*fvalue (the im part becomes a quiet NaN).
+				Complex!(real) cvalue;
+				cvalue.re = fvalue;
+				cvalue.im = fvalue;
+				return new ComplexExp(loc, cvalue, this);
+			}
+	} else {
+				return getProperty(loc, Id.nan);
+	}
+			case TY.Tvoid:
+				error(loc, "void does not have a default initializer");
+			default:
+				break;		///
+		}
+		return new IntegerExp(loc, value, this);
+	}
+    bool isZeroInit(Loc loc)
+	{
+		switch (ty)
+		{
+			case TY.Tchar:
+			case TY.Twchar:
+			case TY.Tdchar:
+			case TY.Timaginary32:
+			case TY.Timaginary64:
+			case TY.Timaginary80:
+			case TY.Tfloat32:
+			case TY.Tfloat64:
+			case TY.Tfloat80:
+			case TY.Tcomplex32:
+			case TY.Tcomplex64:
+			case TY.Tcomplex80:
+				return false;		// no
+			default:
+				break;
+		}
+		return true;			// yes
+	}
+    bool builtinTypeInfo()
+	{
+	version (DMDV2) {
+		return mod ? false : true;
+	} else {
+		return true;
+	}
+	}
+    // For eliminating dynamic_cast
+    TypeBasic isTypeBasic()
+	{
+		return this;
+	}
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