view src/cli/ddbg_help.txt @ 5:496dfd8f7342 default tip

added: -repeat option for "in", "ov" -run until a line option -run until a function option -break on a function start -n is an alias for ov
date Sun, 17 Apr 2011 11:05:31 +0200
parents 4a9dcbd9e54f
line wrap: on
line source

in [repeat]                        step into at source level
                                   optionally step into repeat times
ov/n [repeat]                      step over at source level
                                   optionally step over repeat times
out                                step out at source level
r                                  run/continue the program
r <file>:<line>[#<thrd>]           run until location
                                   optionally only for the given thread id
rf funcname[#<thrd>]               run until the given function
                                   optionally only for the given thread id
bp [<file>:<line>[#<thrd>]] [ind]  set breakpoint #index at given file:line
                                   optionally only for the given thread id
                                   optionally with the given breakpoint index
bpf funcname[#<thrd>] [ind]        set breakpoint for given (substring)function name
                                   optionally only for the given thread id
                                   optionally with the given breakpoint index
dbp [<file>:<line>|#index|*]       delete breakpoint by index, line or all
lbp                                list breakpoints
ltbp                               list temporary breakpoints
dm <start> <length>                dump memory (start in hex, length in dec)
dr [cpu] [fpu] [mmx] [sse]         dump registers [toggle register groups]
ds                                 dump stack (last line is top)
lsv                                list variables in current scope
mi [free] [rsrv]                   memory information. lists blocks in state
                                   commit and optionally free and reserve
us                                 unwind stack, prints full stacktrace
= <expr>                           evaluate expression
ed <depth>                         set max depth of implicit evaluation of
                                   recursive structures
el <length>                        set max number of array elements to print
er                                 toggle between ed 0 and previous ed
f <number>                         select frame for evaluation.
                                   default: current frame = 0
t <expression>                     type of expression
jkf                                toggle whether to switch to stack frame of
                                   last known source location on exception
lsm [substring]                    list source modules
lsp                                list source search paths
ps [count]                         print count lines of source before
                                   and after current location
sp <path>                          add source search path
da [start]                         disassemble from start
                                   (default = function start) to next ret
dal [#lines]                       disassemble to/from +/- source lines
lt                                 list threads
st <threadId>                      select thread to be evaluation context
rmd <file>                         read minidump from file
wmd <file>                         write minidump to file
arg <args>                         set command line arguments
ii                                 print image information
ldll                               list loaded DLLs
lm [substring]                     list debug modules
ld [substring]                     list data symbols
lf [substring]                     list function symbols
lg [substring]                     list global symbols
lp [substring]                     list global publics
ls [substring]                     list all symbols
nc                                 toggle new console for process
onex <cmd; cmd; ...>               on exception execute list of commands
onterm <cmd; cmd; ...>             on termination execute list of commands
q                                  quit debugger

return repeats the last command