view dcrypt/crypto/BlockCipherWrapper.d @ 10:cd376996cdb3

Renamed SymmetricCipher back to Cipher (we don't support any other kind atm, I'll deal with it when we do.). Added BlockCipherWrapper for the encryption of arbitrary streams with or without padding. Removed hashByName, and replaced it with createHash. Re-did the high-level API, and filled out Crypto. Added cipher creation via createCipher. Added dsk to the CONTRIBUTORS file for helping with the design of the high-level API.
author Thomas Dixon <>
date Wed, 20 Aug 2008 20:08:07 -0400
line wrap: on
line source

 * This file is part of the dcrypt project.
 * Copyright: Copyright (C) dcrypt contributors 2008. All rights reserved.
 * License:   MIT
 * Authors:   Thomas Dixon

module dcrypt.crypto.BlockCipherWrapper;

import dcrypt.crypto.BlockCipher;
import dcrypt.crypto.BlockCipherPadding;

 * Wraps a block cipher, enabling the encryption of a stream
 * whose length is a multiple of blockSize. Padding, if specified,
 * is to be applied otherwise and the result subsequently processed.
class BlockCipherWrapper : BlockCipher {
    BlockCipher cipher;
    BlockCipherPadding padding;
    bool encrypt;
    this(BlockCipher c, BlockCipherPadding p=null) {
        cipher = c;
        padding = p; // null signifies no padding is to be applied
    void init(bool encrypt, CipherParameters params) {
        this.encrypt = encrypt;
        cipher.init(encrypt, params);
    char[] name() {
        if (padding !is null)
    uint blockSize() {
        return cipher.blockSize;
    ubyte[] process(void[] input_) {
        ubyte[] input = cast(ubyte[]) input_;
        uint padLen = blockSize - (input.length % blockSize);
        if (padding !is null && !encrypt && padLen != blockSize)
            throw new ShortBufferError(
                    name()~": Encrypted padded block should be multiple of block size.");
        ubyte[] output = new ubyte[input.length];
        uint len = input.length,
             i = 0;
        while (len >= blockSize) {
            output[i..i+blockSize] = cipher.process(input[i..i+blockSize]);
            len -= blockSize;
            i += blockSize;
        if (padding !is null) {
            if (encrypt) {
                output.length = output.length + padLen;
                ubyte[] t = new ubyte[blockSize];
                if (len > 0) {
                    t[0..len] = input[i..i+len];
                    t[len..blockSize] = padding.pad(padLen);
                } else
                    t[] = padding.pad(padLen);
                output[i..i+blockSize] = cipher.process(t);
            } else {
                output.length = output.length - padding.unpad(output);
        } else
            if (len > 0)
                output[i..i+len] = cipher.process(input[i..i+len]);
        return output;
    void reset() {