view dcrypt/misc/Util.d @ 6:5cb17e09d685

Minor edits to the unittests of hash functions and ciphers. Added AES and test vectors.
author Thomas Dixon <>
date Sat, 16 Aug 2008 22:43:22 -0400
parents 0e08791a1418
children cd376996cdb3
line wrap: on
line source

 * This file is part of the dcrypt project.
 * Copyright: Copyright (C) dcrypt contributors 2008. All rights reserved.
 * License:   MIT
 * Authors:   Thomas Dixon

module dcrypt.misc.Util;

/** Utility functions */
struct Util {
    static const char[] hexits = "0123456789abcdef";
    final static uint ubytesToUintBig(ubyte[] x, uint offset) {
        return cast(uint) (((x[offset++] & 0xff) << 24) |
                           ((x[offset++] & 0xff) << 16) |
                           ((x[offset++] & 0xff) << 8)  |
                            (x[offset] & 0xff));
    final static uint ubytesToUintLittle(ubyte[] x, uint offset) {
        return cast(uint) ((x[offset++] & 0xff)        |
                          ((x[offset++] & 0xff) << 8)  |
                          ((x[offset++] & 0xff) << 16) |
                          ((x[offset] & 0xff) << 24));
    final static ulong ubytesToUlongLittle(ubyte[] x, uint offset) {
        return cast(ulong) ((x[offset++] & 0xff)        |
                           ((x[offset++] & 0xff) << 8)  |
                           ((x[offset++] & 0xff) << 16) |
                           ((x[offset++] & 0xff) << 24) |
                           (cast(ulong)(x[offset++] & 0xff) << 32) |
                           (cast(ulong)(x[offset++] & 0xff) << 40) |
                           (cast(ulong)(x[offset++] & 0xff) << 48) |
                           (cast(ulong)(x[offset] & 0xff) << 56));
    final static ulong ubytesToUlongBig(ubyte[] x, uint offset) {
        return cast(ulong) ((cast(ulong)(x[offset++] & 0xff) << 56) |
                            (cast(ulong)(x[offset++] & 0xff) << 48) |
                            (cast(ulong)(x[offset++] & 0xff) << 40) |
                            (cast(ulong)(x[offset++] & 0xff) << 32) |
                            ((x[offset++] & 0xff) << 24) |
                            ((x[offset++] & 0xff) << 16) |
                            ((x[offset++] & 0xff) << 8)  |
                             (x[offset] & 0xff));
    final static ushort ubytesToUshortLittle(ubyte[] x, uint offset) {
        return cast(ushort) ((x[offset++] & 0xff)       |
                            ((x[offset] & 0xff) << 8));
    final static ushort ubytesToUshortBig(ubyte[] x, uint offset) {
        return cast(ushort) (((x[offset++] & 0xff) << 8) |
                              (x[offset] & 0xff));
    final static void uintToUbytesBig(uint x, ubyte[] output, uint outOff) {
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 24);
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 16);
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 8);
        output[outOff] = cast(ubyte)(x);
    final static void uintToUbytesLittle(uint x, ubyte[] output, uint outOff) {
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x);
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 8);
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 16);
        output[outOff] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 24);
    final static void ulongToUbytesBig(ulong x, ubyte[] output, uint outOff) {
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 56);
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 48);
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 40);
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 32);
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 24);
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 16);
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 8);
        output[outOff] = cast(ubyte)(x);
    final static void ulongToUbytesLittle(ulong x, ubyte[] output, uint outOff) {
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x);
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 8);
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 16);
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 24);
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 32);
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 40);
        output[outOff++] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 48);
        output[outOff] = cast(ubyte)(x >> 56);
    final static uint rotateLeft(uint x, uint y) {
        return (x << y) | (x >> (32-y));
    final static ulong rotateLeft64(ulong x, uint y) {
        return (x << y) | (x >> (64-y));
    final static uint rotateRight(uint x, uint y) {
        return (x >> y) | (x << (32-y));    
    final static ulong rotateRight64(ulong x, uint y) {
        return (x >> y) | (x << (64-y));    
    final static char[] ubytesToHex(ubyte[] input) {
        char[] output = new char[input.length<<1];
        int i = 0;
        foreach (ubyte j; input) { 
            output[i++] = hexits[j >> 4];
            output[i++] = hexits[j & 0xf];
        return output;    
    final static ubyte[] hexToUbytes(char[] input) {
        ubyte[] output = new ubyte[input.length>>1];
        static ubyte[char] hexitIndex;
        for (int i = 0; i < hexits.length; i++)
            hexitIndex[hexits[i]] = i;
        for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < output.length; i++) {
            output[i] = hexitIndex[input[j++]] << 4;
            output[i] |= hexitIndex[input[j++]]; 
        return output;
    final static char[] stringToLower(char[] input) {
        char[] output = new char[input.length];
        foreach (uint i, char c; input) 
            output[i] = ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ? c+32 : c);
        return output;
    final static char[] stringToUpper(char[] input) {
        char[] output = new char[input.length];
        foreach (uint i, char c; input) 
            output[i] = ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ? c-32 : c);
        return output;
    final static char[] stringToAlphanumeric(char[] input) {
        char[] output = "";
        foreach (char c; input)
            if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
                (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
                (c >= '0' && c <= '9'))
                    output ~= c;
        return output;