view dcrypt/crypto/prngs/PBKDF2.d @ 15:0de48552be35

Added LimitReachedError and PBKDF2. Fixed some errors with the previous commit in PRNGFromHash, etc. Re-implemented HMAC. Changed the name() format of HMAC and PBKDF2.
author Thomas Dixon <>
date Wed, 19 Nov 2008 19:30:52 -0500
children 4589f8c5eb3c
line wrap: on
line source

 * This file is part of the dcrypt project.
 * Copyright: Copyright (C) dcrypt contributors 2008. All rights reserved.
 * License:   MIT
 * Authors:   Thomas Dixon

module dcrypt.crypto.prngs.PBKDF2;

import dcrypt.misc.Util;
import dcrypt.crypto.PRNG;
import dcrypt.crypto.MAC;
import dcrypt.crypto.macs.HMAC;
import dcrypt.crypto.hashes.SHA1;
import dcrypt.crypto.errors.LimitReachedError;

 * Implementation of RSA Security's Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2
 * Conforms: PKCS #5 v2.0 / RFC 2898
 * References:
class PBKDF2 : PRNG {
    private {
        ubyte[] salt,
        char[] password;
        MAC prf;
        uint iterations,
     * Params:
     *     password = User supplied password
     *     salt = (preferably random) salt
     *     iterations = The number of total iterations
     *     prf = The pseudo-random function
    this(char[] password, void[] salt_,
            uint iterations=1000, MAC prf=new HMAC(new SHA1)) {
        salt = cast(ubyte[])salt_;
        if (salt == null)
            throw new InvalidParameterError(name()~": No salt specified.");
        this.password = password;
        if (this.password == null)
            throw new InvalidParameterError(name()~": No password specified.");
        this.prf = prf;
        if (this.prf is null)
            throw new InvalidParameterError(name()~": No PRF specified.");
        this.iterations = iterations;
        prf.init(new SymmetricKey(cast(ubyte[])this.password));
        blockCount = 0;
        buffer = new ubyte[this.prf.macSize];
        index = this.prf.macSize;
        _initialized = true;
    void addEntropy(ubyte[] input) {
        throw new NotSupportedError(name()~": Not supported.");
     * Throws: LimitReachedError after 2^32 blocks.
    uint read(ubyte[] output) {
        for (uint i = 0; i < output.length; i++) {
            if (index == buffer.length) {
                if (++blockCount == 0) // Catch rollover
                    throw new LimitReachedError(name()~": Output limit reached.");
                buffer[] = 0;
                ubyte[] t = new ubyte[salt.length + uint.sizeof];
                t[0..salt.length] = salt;
                Util.uintToUbytesBig(blockCount, t, salt.length);
                for (uint j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
                    t = prf.digest();
                    for (uint k = 0; k < buffer.length; k++)
                        buffer[k] ^= t[k];
                index = 0;
            output[i] = buffer[index++];

        return output.length;
    char[] name() {
        return "PBKDF2-";

    version (UnitTest) {
        unittest {
            static char[][] test_passwords = [
            static char[][] test_salts = [
                "pass phrase equals block size",
                "pass phrase exceeds block size"
            static const int[] test_iterations = [
                1, 1200, 1200, 1200
            static const char[][] test_results = [
            PBKDF2 pbkdf2;
            foreach (uint i, char[] p; test_passwords) {
                pbkdf2 = new PBKDF2(p, test_salts[i], test_iterations[i]);
                ubyte[] result = new ubyte[test_results[i].length >> 1];
                char[] hexResult = Util.ubytesToHex(result);
                assert(hexResult == test_results[i], 
              ": ("~hexResult~") != ("~test_results[i]~")");