view basic/SmallArray.d @ 175:c8e26556c24d

Codegen functions in structs
author Anders Halager <>
date Thu, 24 Jul 2008 21:12:12 +0200
parents ed815b31479b
line wrap: on
line source

module basic.SmallArray;

  This struct acts like a normal dynamic array, with one difference.
  A size is given, which is how many elements are preallocated on the stack.

  SmallArray!(float, 4) array;
  array ~= 1.0;
  array ~= 2.0;
  array ~= 3.0;
  float[] three_floats = array[0 .. 3];
  // The slice gives a reference to the stack, remember to .dup
  array ~= 4.0;
  // not using the heap yet, but after the next line all values will have been
  // copied to the heap.
  array ~= 5.0;

  Compared to a normal dynamic array there is 8 bytes overhead (on 32 bit cpus)
  and ofcourse size * T.sizeof bytes for the stack allocated array.
struct SmallArray(T, ubyte size = 8)
    T[] opSlice(size_t low, size_t high)
        assert(high <= len && low <= high, "Array index out of range");
        return ptr[low .. high];

    T[] opSlice()
        return ptr[0 .. len];
    alias opSlice unsafe;

    T[] safe()
        if (len <= size)
            return static_array[0 .. len].dup;
        return array[0 .. len];

    T[] opSliceAssign(T val, size_t low, size_t high)
        assert(high <= len && low <= high, "Array index out of range");
        return ptr[low .. high] = val;

    T[] opSliceAssign(T val)
        return ptr[0 .. len] = val;

    T opIndex(size_t index)
        assert(index < len, "Array index out of range");
        return ptr[index];

    T opIndexAssign(T val, size_t index)
        assert(index < len, "Array index out of range");
        return ptr[index] = val;

    void opCatAssign(T val)
        if (len < size)
            static_array[len] = val;
        else if (len == size)
            T[] tmp = static_array[].dup;
            array = tmp;
            array ~= val;
            array ~= val;

        if (len <= size)
            ptr = static_array.ptr;
            ptr = array.ptr;
    alias opCatAssign push;

    T pop()
        assert(len > 0, "Can't remove from an empty array");
        return ptr[--len];

    T peek()
        assert(len > 0, "Array is empty");
        return ptr[len - 1];

    size_t length() { return len; }

    static SmallArray opCall()
        SmallArray array;
        array.ptr = array.static_array.ptr;
        return array;

    T* ptr;
    size_t len;
        T[] array;
        T[size] static_array;