view gen/CodeGen.d @ 111:c658172ca8a0

Parsing basic integers and floats.
author Anders Johnsen <>
date Sun, 25 May 2008 15:42:44 +0200
parents 189c049cbfcc
children 244142a21cbc 3a0cd42de9cc
line wrap: on
line source

module gen.CodeGen;

       Int = tango.text.convert.Integer;
import tango.core.Array : find, partition;

import llvm.llvm;

import ast.Decl,
       ast.Module : DModule = Module;

import misc.Error,

import lexer.Token;

import sema.Scope,

  Wrapper for Values representing rvalues (things you can only read from)
private struct RValue
      Returns true if this is a simple value, like an int or a pointer.
      This is basicly anything except a struct, which will contain a Value that
      is a pointer to the struct.
    bool isSimple() { return simple; }
    /// Opposite of isSimple
    bool isAggregate() { return !simple; }

    Value value;
    private bool simple = true;

  Wrapper for Values representing lvalues (things you can write to)
private struct LValue
    Value getAddress() { return value; }
    private Value value;

class CodeGen
        b = new Builder;
        ZeroIndex = ConstantInt.GetU(Type.Int32, 0);
        table = new SimpleSymbolTable();


       Generate a new module.
        Find all function decls and add the functions to the llvm module, so
        they can be referenced.

        Make sure all var-decls are located before functions, so we wont get
        problems when referencing the global vars.

        Generate the actual llvm code needed for all decls

        Optimize if requested

        Write to filehandle (can be a file or stdout)
    void gen(DModule mod, uint handle, bool optimize, bool inline)
        this.mod = mod;
        // create module
        m = new .llvm.llvm.Module("main_module");
        scope(exit) m.dispose();


        BytePtr = PointerType.Get(Type.Int8);
        auto temp = FunctionType.Get(
                [BytePtr, BytePtr, Type.Int32, Type.Int32]);
        llvm_memcpy = m.addFunction(temp, "llvm.memcpy.i32");

        auto registerFunc =
            (FuncDecl fd)
                Type[] param_types;
                foreach (i, p; fd.funcArgs)
                    DType t = p.env.find(p.identifier).type;
                    if (auto st = t.asStruct())
                        Type pointer = PointerType.Get(llvm(st));
                        param_types ~= pointer;
                    else if (auto ar = t.asArray())
                        Type pointer = PointerType.Get(llvm(ar));
                        param_types ~= pointer;
                        param_types ~= llvm(t);
                auto ret_t = fd.env.find(fd.identifier).type;
                if(auto st = cast(DStruct)ret_t)
                    ret_t = DType.Void;
                else if(auto f = cast(DFunction)ret_t)
                    ret_t = f.returnType;
                auto func_t = FunctionType.Get(llvm(ret_t), param_types);
                auto llfunc = m.addFunction(func_t, fd.identifier.getMangled);

                foreach (i, p; fd.funcArgs)
                    if(i == 0 && fd.sret)
                        llfunc.addParamAttr(0, ParamAttr.StructRet);

                    DType t = p.env.find(p.identifier).type;
                    if (auto st = t.asStruct)
                        if (i == 0 && fd.sret)
                        llfunc.addParamAttr(i, ParamAttr.ByVal);
                    else if (auto ar = t.asArray)
                        llfunc.addParamAttr(i, ParamAttr.ByVal);
        auto visitor = new VisitFuncDecls(registerFunc);
        // Before beginning we move all top level var-decls to the start
        // and then we generate the var-decls first
        // partition is NOT required to be stable, but that should not create
        // any problems.
        partition(mod.decls, (Decl d) { return d.declType == DeclType.VarDecl; });

        foreach (decl; mod.decls)


//        debug m.verify();



      Generate a single top-level Decl
    void genRootDecl(Decl decl)
            case DeclType.FuncDecl:
                FuncDecl funcDecl = cast(FuncDecl)decl;

                // Empty function - declare;

                auto llfunc = m.getNamedFunction(funcDecl.identifier.getMangled);
                auto func_tp = cast(PointerType)llfunc.type;
                auto func_t = cast(FunctionType)func_tp.elementType();
                auto ret_t = func_t.returnType();

                auto bb = llfunc.appendBasicBlock("entry");

                foreach (i, v; funcDecl.funcArgs)
                    llfunc.getParam(i).name = v.identifier.get;
                    auto name = v.identifier.get;
                    if (!cast(PointerType)llfunc.getParam(i).type)
                        auto AI = b.buildAlloca(llfunc.getParam(i).type, name);
 //                       Value va = b.buildLoad(val, name);
                        b.buildStore(llfunc.getParam(i), AI);
                        table[name] = AI;
                        table[name] = llfunc.getParam(i);

                foreach (stmt; funcDecl.statements)

                // if the function didn't end with a return, we automatically
                // add one (return 0 as default)
                if (b.getInsertBlock().terminated() is false)
                    if (ret_t is Type.Void)
                        b.buildRet(ConstantInt.GetS(ret_t, 0));


            case DeclType.VarDecl:
                auto varDecl = cast(VarDecl)decl;
                auto id = varDecl.env.find(varDecl.identifier);
                Type t = llvm(id.type);
                GlobalVariable g = m.addGlobal(t, id.get);
                g.initializer = ConstantInt.GetS(t, 0);
                table[varDecl.identifier.get] = g;
            case DeclType.StructDecl:
                auto structDecl = cast(StructDecl)decl;
                //m.addTypeName(structDecl.identifier.get, llvm(structDecl.type));


      Generate a single local Decl
    void genDecl(Decl decl)
            case DeclType.VarDecl:
                auto varDecl = cast(VarDecl)decl;
                auto name = varDecl.identifier.get;
                auto sym = varDecl.env.find(varDecl.identifier);
                auto AI = b.buildAlloca(llvm(sym.type), name);
                table[name] = AI;
                if (varDecl.init)
                    LValue dst = genLValue(varDecl.identifier);
                    RValue src = genExpression(varDecl.init);
                    storeThroughLValue(dst, src, sym.type);

    // Remove - do it right (basic/Messages.d)
    struct PE
        static char[] NoImplicitConversion =
            "Can't find an implicit conversion between %0 and %1";
        static char[] VoidRetInNonVoidFunc =
            "Only void functions can return without an expression";

      Takes two iX and overwrite the smaller one, with a sign-extended version
      so both values can be operated on without worrying about the exact types.

      Used when adding a int and a long or similar.

      Currently unused
    void sextSmallerToLarger(ref Value left, ref Value right)
        if (left.type != right.type)
            // try to find a convertion - only works for iX
            IntegerType l = cast(IntegerType) left.type;
            IntegerType r = cast(IntegerType) right.type;
            if (l is null || r is null)
                throw error(__LINE__, PE.NoImplicitConversion)

            if (l.numBits() < r.numBits())
                left = b.buildSExt(left, r, ".cast");
                right = b.buildSExt(right, l, ".cast");

      Generate a single expression.

      This is the most general way of generating expressions and therefore
      returns an RValue.
    RValue genExpression(Exp exp)
            case ExpType.Binary:
                return RValue(genBinExp(cast(BinaryExp)exp));
            case ExpType.IntegerLit:
                auto integetLit = cast(IntegerLit)exp;
                auto val = Integer.parse(integetLit.get);
                return RValue(ConstantInt.GetS(Type.Int32, val));
            case ExpType.Negate:
                auto negateExp = cast(NegateExp)exp;
                auto target = genExpression(negateExp.exp);
                return RValue(b.buildNeg(target.value, "neg"));
            case ExpType.Deref:
                auto derefExp = cast(DerefExp)exp;
                auto target = genExpression(derefExp.exp);
                return RValue(b.buildLoad(target.value, "deref"));
            case ExpType.AssignExp:
                auto AE = cast(AssignExp)exp;
                LValue dst = genLValue(AE.identifier);
                RValue src = genExpression(AE.exp);
                storeThroughLValue(dst, src, AE.exp.type());
                return src;
            case ExpType.Index:
                auto indexExp = cast(IndexExp)exp;
                return loadLValue(genLValue(exp));
            case ExpType.CallExp:
                auto callExp = cast(CallExp)exp;
                // BUG: Might not be a simple identifier, is also a
                // valid call - or foo(x)(y) for that matter.
                auto id = exp.env.find(cast(Identifier)callExp.exp);
                scope args = new Value[callExp.args.length];
                foreach (i, arg; callExp.args)
                    args[i] = genExpression(arg).value;
                auto f = m.getNamedFunction(id.getMangled);
                DFunction f_type = cast(DFunction)id.type;
                bool isVoid = f_type.returnType is DType.Void;
                // BUG: doesn't do implicit type-conversion on args
                auto r = b.buildCall(f, args, isVoid? "" : "call");
                return RValue(r);
            case ExpType.CastExp:
                auto castExp = cast(CastExp)exp;
                auto value = genExpression(castExp.exp).value;

                if (!castExp.type.hasImplicitConversionTo(castExp.type))
                    assert(0, "Invalid cast");

                Value v;
                if(castExp.exp.type.byteSize <= castExp.type.byteSize)
                    v = b.buildZExt(value, llvm(castExp.type), "zext");
                    v = b.buildTrunc(value, llvm(castExp.type), "trunc");

                return RValue(v);

            case ExpType.Identifier:
                auto identifier = cast(Identifier)exp;
                auto id = exp.env.find(identifier);
                if(id.type.isStruct() || id.type.isArray())
                    return RValue(table.find(id.get));
                    return RValue(b.buildLoad(table.find(id.get), id.get));
            case ExpType.MemberReference:
                return loadLValue(genLValue(exp));
        assert(0, "Reached end of switch in genExpression");
        return RValue(null);

      Generate a binary expression.

      Currently only works for signed and unsigned integers, but is almost
      ready for floats and should be expanded to everything else.
    Value genBinExp(BinaryExp e)
        auto left = genExpression(e.left).value;
        auto right = genExpression(e.right).value;
        DType t_a = e.left.type;
        DType t_b = e.right.type;

        Value res;
        // TODO: do usual type promotions on a and b
        // TODO: support floats
        if (t_a.isInteger() && t_b.isInteger())
            Operation op = t_a.getOperationWith(op2op(e.op), t_b);
                    "integers should only use builtin ops");
            alias BuiltinOperation BO;
            BO val = op.builtinOp();
            // map val to buildAdd or similar
            switch (val) {
                case BO.Add: res = b.buildAdd(left, right, "add"); break;
                case BO.Sub: res = b.buildSub(left, right, "sub"); break;
                case BO.Mul: res = b.buildMul(left, right, "mul"); break;
                case BO.SDiv: res = b.buildSDiv(left, right, "div"); break;
                case BO.UDiv: res = b.buildUDiv(left, right, "div"); break;
                case BO.FDiv: res = b.buildFDiv(left, right, "div"); break;
                case BO.SRem: res = b.buildSRem(left, right, "rem"); break;
                case BO.URem: res = b.buildURem(left, right, "rem"); break;
                case BO.FRem: res = b.buildFRem(left, right, "rem"); break;
                    LLVMPred pred = predFromBI(val);
                    IntPredicate ip = pred.intPred;
                    RealPredicate rp = pred.realPred;
                    assert(pred.isValid, "Not a predicate");
                    if (pred.isReal)
                        res = b.buildFCmp(rp, left, right, "cmp");
                        res = b.buildICmp(ip, left, right, "cmp");
            if left has op for right's type:
                a_op = left.op(right)
            if right has usable op_r:
                b_op_r = right.op_r(left)
            if a_op or b_op_r is set, choose the best one
            else if op is commutative
                if left has usable op_r
                    a_op_r = left.op_r(right)
                if right has usable op
                    b_op = right.op(left)
                choose best one from a_op_r and b_op
            else error
            assert(0, "Not integers?");

        return res;

      Generates one statement
    // This should be split into specific methods - one per Stmt type?
    void genStmt(Stmt stmt)
            case StmtType.Compound:
                auto stmts = cast(CompoundStatement)stmt;
                foreach (s; stmts.statements)
            case StmtType.Return:
                auto ret = cast(ReturnStmt)stmt;
                DFunction type = stmt.env.parentFunction().type();
                Type t = llvm(type.returnType);
                if (ret.exp is null)
                    if (t is Type.Void)
                        throw error(__LINE__, PE.VoidRetInNonVoidFunc);

                RValue v = genExpression(ret.exp);
/*                if (v.type != t)
                    IntegerType v_t = cast(IntegerType) v.type;
                    IntegerType i_t = cast(IntegerType) t;
                    if (v_t is null || i_t is null)
                        throw error(__LINE__, PE.NoImplicitConversion)

                    if (v_t.numBits() < i_t.numBits())
                        v = b.buildSExt(v, t, ".cast");
                        v = b.buildTrunc(v, t, ".cast");
            case StmtType.Decl:
                auto declStmt = cast(DeclStmt)stmt;
            case StmtType.Exp:
                auto expStmt = cast(ExpStmt)stmt;
            case StmtType.If:
                auto ifStmt = cast(IfStmt)stmt;
                Value cond = genExpression(ifStmt.cond).value;
                if (cond.type !is Type.Int1)
                    Value False = ConstantInt.GetS(cond.type, 0);
                    cond = b.buildICmp(IntPredicate.NE, cond, False, ".cond");
                auto func_name = stmt.env.parentFunction().identifier.getMangled;
                Function func = m.getNamedFunction(func_name);
                bool has_else = (ifStmt.else_body !is null);

                auto thenBB = func.appendBasicBlock("then");
                auto elseBB = has_else? func.appendBasicBlock("else") : null;
                auto mergeBB = func.appendBasicBlock("merge");

                b.buildCondBr(cond, thenBB, has_else? elseBB : mergeBB);
                thenBB = b.getInsertBlock();
                if (b.getInsertBlock().terminated() is false)

                if (has_else)
                    elseBB = b.getInsertBlock();
                    if (elseBB.terminated() is false)

            case StmtType.While:
                auto wStmt = cast(WhileStmt)stmt;
                auto func_name = stmt.env.parentFunction().identifier.get;
                Function func = m.getNamedFunction(func_name);

                auto condBB = func.appendBasicBlock("cond");
                auto bodyBB = func.appendBasicBlock("body");
                auto doneBB = func.appendBasicBlock("done");

                Value cond = genExpression(wStmt.cond).value;
                if (cond.type !is Type.Int1)
                    Value False = ConstantInt.GetS(cond.type, 0);
                    cond = b.buildICmp(IntPredicate.NE, cond, False, ".cond");
                b.buildCondBr(cond, bodyBB, doneBB);

                if (b.getInsertBlock().terminated() is false)

            case StmtType.Switch:
                auto sw = cast(SwitchStmt)stmt;
                Value cond = genExpression(sw.cond).value;

                auto func_name = stmt.env.parentFunction().identifier.get;
                Function func = m.getNamedFunction(func_name);

                BasicBlock oldBB = b.getInsertBlock();
                BasicBlock defBB;
                BasicBlock endBB = func.appendBasicBlock("sw.end");
                if (sw.defaultBlock)
                    defBB = Function.InsertBasicBlock(endBB, "sw.def");
                    foreach (case_statement; sw.defaultBlock)
                    if (!defBB.terminated())
                    defBB = endBB;
                auto SI = b.buildSwitch(cond, defBB, sw.cases.length);
                foreach (c; sw.cases)
                    BasicBlock prevBB;
                    foreach (i, val; c.values)
                        auto BB = Function.InsertBasicBlock(defBB, "");
                        SI.addCase(ConstantInt.GetS(cond.type, c.values_converted[i]), BB);

                        if (i + 1 == c.values.length)
                            foreach (case_statement; c.stmts)
                            if (!BB.terminated())
                                b.buildBr(c.followedByDefault? defBB : endBB);

                        if (prevBB !is null && !prevBB.terminated())
                        prevBB = BB;

      Given the address of something, load it into an alloc.
    RValue loadLValue(LValue addr, char[] name = null)
        Value val = addr.getAddress();
        if (name is null)
            name = > 0? : "load";

        auto res = b.buildLoad(val, name);
        return RValue(res);

       Get the address of an expression - allowing us to modify something in
       memory or on the stack.
    LValue genLValue(Exp exp)
            case ExpType.Identifier:
                auto identifier = cast(Identifier)exp;
                auto id = exp.env.find(identifier);
                return LValue(table.find(id.get));
            case ExpType.Deref:
                // LValue(*x): x
                // RValue(*x): load(x)
                // This way *x = *x + 1 will work
                // TODO: Get's an i32** rather than i32* because it's alloc'd
                //        so there needs to be a load?
                auto DE = cast(DerefExp)exp;
                return genLValue(DE.exp);
            case ExpType.Index:
                auto indexExp = cast(IndexExp)exp;
                auto type =;
                auto index = genExpression(indexExp.index);
                Value[2] gep_indices;
                gep_indices[0] = ZeroIndex;
                gep_indices[1] = index.value;
                Value res;
                auto target = genLValue(;
                if (type.isArray())
                    res = b.buildGEP(target, gep_indices[0 .. 2], "index");
                else if (type.isPointer())
                    res = b.buildGEP(target, gep_indices[1 .. 2], "index");
                else assert(0, "Can only index pointers and arrays");
                return LValue(res);
            case ExpType.MemberReference:
                auto mem = cast(MemberReference)exp;
                switch (
                    case ExpType.Identifier:
                        auto identifier = cast(Identifier);
                        auto child = mem.child;
                        auto id = exp.env.find(identifier);
                        Value v = table.find(id.get);
                        DType t = id.type;
                        auto st = t.asStruct;

                        int i = st.indexOf(child.get);

                        Value[2] vals;
                        vals[0] = ZeroIndex;
                        vals[1] = ConstantInt.GetU(IntegerType.Int32, i);

                        Value val = b.buildGEP(v, vals, id.get~"."~child.get);
                        return LValue(val);

                    case ExpType.MemberReference:
                        auto addr = genLValue(;
                        auto child = mem.child;
                        auto symChild = child.env.find(child);
                        DType t =;
                        auto st = t.asStruct;

                        int i = st.indexOf(child.get);

                        Value[2] vals;   
                        vals[0] = ZeroIndex;
                        vals[1] = ConstantInt.GetU(IntegerType.Int32, i);

                        Value val = b.buildGEP(addr, vals, "."~child.get);
                        return LValue(val);
        assert(0, "Reached end of switch in getPointer");
        return LValue(null);

      Store into an lvalue from a rvalue. Both are assumed to have type t.
    void storeThroughLValue(LValue dst, RValue src, DType t)
        Value to = dst.getAddress();
        Value from = src.value;

        auto a = cast(PointerType)to.type;
        assert(a !is null, "Can only store through pointers");

        if (auto st = t.asStruct())
            genMemcpy(to, from, t);
            b.buildStore(from, to);

      Copy from src into dst. The values are assumed to have the same size,
      and the amount of bytes to copy is taken from t.
    void genMemcpy(Value dst, Value src, DType t)
        Value from = b.buildBitCast(src, BytePtr, ".copy_from");
        Value to = b.buildBitCast(dst, BytePtr, ".copy_to");
        Value[4] args;
        args[0] = to;
        args[1] = from;
        args[2] = ConstantInt.GetS(Type.Int32, t.byteSize());
        args[3] = ConstantInt.GetS(Type.Int32, 32);
        b.buildCall(llvm_memcpy, args[], null);

    Error error(uint line, char[] msg)
        return new Error(msg);

      Get the LLVM Type corresponding to a DType.

      Currently using the built-in associative array - not sure if it works
      well when the hashes are so uniform.

      Other possibilities would be to find a hash-function that works on
      something as small as 4 bytes or to create a sparse array perhaps.
    Type llvm(DType t)
        if (auto llvm_t = t in type_map)
            return *llvm_t;
        return llvmCreateNew(t);

    // Create an LLVM type and insert it into the type map, and return the
    // result
    Type llvmCreateNew(DType t)
        if (auto i = cast(DInteger)t)
            Type res = IntegerType.Get(i.byteSize() * 8);
            type_map[t] = res;
            return res;
        else if (auto s = t.asStruct)
            SmallArray!(Type, 8) members;
            DType[] array;
            array.length = s.members.length;

            foreach (m; s.members)
                array[m.index] = m.type;

            foreach (m; array)
                members ~= llvm(m);

            Type res = StructType.Get(members.unsafe());
            type_map[t] = res;
            m.addTypeName(, res);
            return res;
        else if (auto f = t.asFunction)
            // We should never have a function returning structs, because of
            // the simplify step
            assert(f.returnType.isStruct() == false, "Can't return structs");
            Type ret_t = llvm(f.returnType);

            SmallArray!(Type, 8) params;
            foreach(param; f.params)
                if (param.isStruct)
                    params ~= PointerType.Get(llvm(param));
                else if (param.isArray)
                    params ~= PointerType.Get(llvm(param));
                    params ~= llvm(param);

            Type res = FunctionType.Get(ret_t, params.unsafe());
            type_map[t] = res;
            auto id = new Identifier(;

            auto f_t = m.getNamedFunction(id.getMangled);
            if(f_t is null)
                auto llfunc = m.addFunction(res, id.getMangled);

                foreach (i, param; f.params)
                    if (param.isStruct)
                        llfunc.addParamAttr(i, ParamAttr.ByVal);

                if (f.firstParamIsReturnValue)
                    llfunc.removeParamAttr(0, ParamAttr.ByVal);
                    llfunc.addParamAttr(0, ParamAttr.StructRet);
            return res;
        else if (auto f = t.asPointer)
            Type res = PointerType.Get(llvm(f.pointerOf));
            type_map[t] = res;
            return res;
        else if (auto f = t.asArray)
            Type res = ArrayType.Get(llvm(f.arrayOf), f.size);
            type_map[t] = res;
            return res;
        assert(0, "Only integers, structs and functions are supported");

    // Might as well insert all the basic types from the start
    void createBasicTypes()
        type_map[DType.Void] = Type.Void;

        type_map[DType.Bool]   = Type.Int1;
        type_map[DType.Byte]   = Type.Int8;
        type_map[DType.UByte]  = Type.Int8;
        type_map[DType.Short]  = Type.Int16;
        type_map[DType.UShort] = Type.Int16;
        type_map[DType.Int]    = Type.Int32;
        type_map[DType.UInt]   = Type.Int32;
        type_map[DType.Long]   = Type.Int64;
        type_map[DType.ULong]  = Type.Int64;


    // llvm stuff
    DModule mod;
    .llvm.llvm.Module m;
    Builder b;
    Function llvm_memcpy;
    ConstantInt ZeroIndex;
    Type BytePtr;
    Type[DType] type_map;

    FuncDecl[char[]] functions;

    SimpleSymbolTable table;

private Operator op2op(BinaryExp.Operator op)
    alias BinaryExp.Operator O;
    Operator res;
    switch (op) {
        case O.Add: res = Operator.Add; break;
        case O.Sub: res = Operator.Sub; break;
        case O.Mul: res = Operator.Mul; break;
        case O.Div: res = Operator.Div; break;

        case O.Eq: res = Operator.Eq; break;
        case O.Ne: res = Operator.Ne; break;
        case O.Lt: res = Operator.Lt; break;
        case O.Le: res = Operator.Le; break;
        case O.Gt: res = Operator.Gt; break;
        case O.Ge: res = Operator.Ge; break;
    return res;

private struct LLVMPred
    bool isValid = false;
    bool isReal;
    union {
        IntPredicate intPred;
        RealPredicate realPred;

    static LLVMPred Int(IntPredicate p)
        LLVMPred res;
        res.isValid = true;
        res.isReal = false;
        res.intPred = p;
        return res;
    static LLVMPred Real(RealPredicate p)
        LLVMPred res;
        res.isValid = true;
        res.isReal = true;
        res.realPred = p;
        return res;
private LLVMPred predFromBI(BuiltinOperation op)
    alias BuiltinOperation O;
    LLVMPred pred;
    switch (op) {
        case O.Eq:  pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.EQ);  break;
        case O.Ne:  pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.NE);  break;

        case O.SLt: pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.SLT); break;
        case O.ULt: pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.ULT); break;
        case O.FLt: pred = LLVMPred.Real(RealPredicate.OLT); break;

        case O.SLe: pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.SLE); break;
        case O.ULe: pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.ULE); break;
        case O.FLe: pred = LLVMPred.Real(RealPredicate.OLE); break;

        case O.SGt: pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.SGT); break;
        case O.UGt: pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.UGT); break;
        case O.FGt: pred = LLVMPred.Real(RealPredicate.OGT); break;

        case O.SGe: pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.SGE); break;
        case O.UGe: pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.UGE); break;
        case O.FGe: pred = LLVMPred.Real(RealPredicate.OGE); break;
    return pred;

private class VisitFuncDecls : Visitor!(void)
    void delegate(FuncDecl) dg;
    this(void delegate(FuncDecl funcDecl) dg)
        this.dg = dg;

    override void visitModule(DModule m)
        foreach (decl; m.decls)
            if (auto f = cast(FuncDecl)decl)

private class SimpleSymbolTable
    Value[char[]][] namedValues;

    void enterScope()
        namedValues ~= cast(Value[char[]])["__dollar":null];

    void leaveScope()
        namedValues.length = namedValues.length - 1;

    Value put(Value val, char[] key)
        namedValues[$ - 1][key] = val;
        return val;

    Value find(char[] key)
        foreach_reverse (map; namedValues)
            if(auto val_ptr = key in map)
                return *val_ptr;
        return null;

    alias find opIndex;
    alias put opIndexAssign;