view parser/Action.d @ 48:b6c1dc30ca4b new_gen

Only tests that dont pass now are structs and switches As far as the parser is concerned assignments are binary expressions Fixed a bug in codegen of if's - it is important to remember that the builder might be positioned at a new block after generating sub-statements
author Anders Halager <>
date Thu, 24 Apr 2008 19:42:53 +0200
parents 90fb4fdfefdd
children c7cde6af0095
line wrap: on
line source

module parser.Action;

import lexer.Token;

import ast.Exp,

import misc.Error;

       Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer;

  Used to indicate what type of operator is used in a given binary expression
  (and unary expressions?)
public enum Operator

    Eq, Ne,

    Lt, Le,
    Gt, Ge,

    Add, Sub,
    Mul, Div, Mod,

struct Id
    Token tok;

    char[] toString()
        return tok.get;

  All methods are optional.

Warning: Interface is not stable yet. Use the `override` keyword in all classes
            inheriting from this to get warning if the interface changes.
abstract class Action
      A few aliases to indicate what methods should be dealing with the same

      Not typesafe, and not using typedef because users would need a lot of
      casts (and base type would be void*, so no possibility to synchronize,
      print etc.)
    alias Object ExprT;
    alias Object StmtT; /// ditto
    alias Object DeclT; /// ditto

    // -- Declarations --

      Either we should have one case that handles a lot of things, or we should
      have a lot of separate cases.
      As an example, this method could handle the params in `int f(int, int)`
      as well as handling `int x` at both top-level, in classes and in methods.
      The other solution is an addParamToFunc or similar.
    DeclT actOnDeclarator(ref Id type, ref Id name, ExprT init)
        return null;

      Add an initialization expression to a previously created decl.

      Used for default values on function params and for values to local
    void addInitToDeclarator(DeclT decl, ExprT exp)

      Called at the start of a function, doesn't get a lot of info - that is
      added later on, through addFuncArg and actOnEndOfFunction.
    DeclT actOnStartOfFunctionDef(ref Id type, ref Id name)
        return null;

      Add a new parameter to the function func.
    void addFuncArg(DeclT func, Id type, Id name)

      Finish off the function, by giving it the body (a single statement, so
      you probably want some sort of compound statement)
    DeclT actOnEndOfFunction(DeclT func, StmtT stmts)
        return func;

    // -- Statements --

      Called after parsing a function/while/for/whatever body.

      Note that stmts is to be considered temporary, it might point into the
      stack and needs to be copied before saving.
    StmtT actOnCompoundStmt(ref Token left, ref Token right, StmtT[] stmts)
        return null;

      An expression was used as a statement - this includes assignments,
      function calls.

      Additionally the D spec dictates that expressions with no effect are not
      legal as statements, but the parser can't test for this so it has to be
      done in the later stages.
    StmtT actOnExprStmt(ExprT exp)
        return null;

      Called after parsing return statements.

      loc is the return token.
    StmtT actOnReturnStmt(ref Token loc, ExprT exp)
        return null;

    StmtT actOnIfStmt(ref Token ifTok, ExprT cond, StmtT thenBody,
                      ref Token elseTok, StmtT elseBody)
        return null;

    StmtT actOnWhileStmt(ref Token whileTok, ExprT cond, StmtT whileBody)
        return null;

    StmtT actOnDeclStmt(DeclT decl)
        return null;

    StmtT actOnStartOfSwitchStmt()
        return null;

    void actOnCaseStmt()

    void actOnDefaultStmt()

    StmtT actOnFinishSwitchStmt(StmtT sw)
        return sw;

    // -- Expressions --

      A single numerical constant -- this can be absolutely any kind of number.
      Integers, floats, hex, octal, binary, imaginary and so on.
    ExprT actOnNumericConstant(Token op)
        return null;

      This is called when identifiers are used in expressions.
    ExprT actOnIdentifierExp(Id id)
        return null;

      Unary operator.
    ExprT actOnUnaryOp(Token op, ExprT operand)
        return null;

      Binary operator.
    ExprT actOnBinaryOp(Operator op, ExprT l, ExprT r)
        return null;

      Called when using the 'dot' operator.
      The left hand side can be any expression, but its only possible to look
      up an identifier.
    ExprT actOnMemberReference(ExprT lhs, Location op, Id member)
        return null;

      Called when function calls are encountered.

      Note that args is temporary and might point into the stack. Remember to
      copy before saving a reference to it.
    ExprT actOnCallExpr(ExprT func, ref Token left_paren, ExprT[] args,
                        ref Token right_paren)
        return null;

  This class implements the default actions for Dang, by building up an AST
  with the data needed in a compiler.
class AstAction : Action
    // -- Declarations --
    override DeclT actOnDeclarator(ref Id type, ref Id id, ExprT init)
        Exp exp = cast(Exp)init;
        return new VarDecl(new Identifier(type.tok), new Identifier(id.tok), exp);

    override DeclT actOnStartOfFunctionDef(ref Id type, ref Id name)
        return new FuncDecl(new Identifier(type.tok), new Identifier(name.tok));

    override void addFuncArg(DeclT func, Id type, Id name)
        FuncDecl fd = cast(FuncDecl)func;
        fd.addParam(new Identifier(type.tok), new Identifier(name.tok));

    override DeclT actOnEndOfFunction(DeclT func, StmtT stmts)
        FuncDecl fd = cast(FuncDecl)func;
        return fd;

    // -- Statements --
    override StmtT actOnCompoundStmt(ref Token l, ref Token r, StmtT[] stmts)
        StmtT[] array = stmts.dup;
        Stmt[] statements = cast(Stmt[])array;
        return new CompoundStatement(statements);

    override StmtT actOnExprStmt(ExprT exp)
        return new ExpStmt(cast(Exp)exp);

    override StmtT actOnReturnStmt(ref Token loc, ExprT exp)
        Exp e = cast(Exp)exp;
        auto res = new ReturnStmt;
        res.exp = e;
        return res;

    override StmtT actOnIfStmt(ref Token ifTok, ExprT cond, StmtT thenBody,
                               ref Token elseTok, StmtT elseBody)
        Exp c = cast(Exp)cond;
        Stmt t = cast(Stmt)thenBody;
        Stmt e = cast(Stmt)elseBody;
        return new IfStmt(c, t, e);

    override StmtT actOnWhileStmt(ref Token tok, ExprT cond, StmtT whileBody)
        Exp c = cast(Exp)cond;
        Stmt b = cast(Stmt)whileBody;
        return new WhileStmt(c, b);

    override StmtT actOnDeclStmt(DeclT decl)
        Decl d = cast(Decl)decl;
        return new DeclStmt(d);

    // -- Expressions --
    override ExprT actOnNumericConstant(Token c)
        return new IntegerLit(c);

    override ExprT actOnIdentifierExp(Id id)
        return new Identifier(id.tok);

    override ExprT actOnBinaryOp(Operator op, ExprT l, ExprT r)
        Exp left = cast(Exp)l;
        Exp right = cast(Exp)r;
        if (op == Operator.Assign)
            return new AssignExp(left, right);
            return new BinaryExp(cast(BinaryExp.Operator)op, left, right);

    override ExprT actOnUnaryOp(Token op, ExprT operand)
        Exp target = cast(Exp)operand;
        // can only be -x for now
        return new NegateExp(target);

    override ExprT actOnCallExpr(ExprT fn, ref Token, ExprT[] args, ref Token)
        Exp f = cast(Exp)fn;
        Exp[] arguments = cast(Exp[])args.dup;
        return new CallExp(f, arguments);