view sema/AstAction.d @ 79:81813366ef92 new_gen

branch merge
author Anders Halager <>
date Fri, 02 May 2008 16:39:04 +0200
parents ad956143dcdc 13eea2c4e60d
children 110c7e1c4ca2
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module sema.AstAction;

import Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer;

import lexer.Token;

import misc.Error;

import ast.Exp,

import parser.Action;

  This class implements the default actions for Dang, by building up an AST
  with the data needed in a compiler.
class AstAction : Action
    Identifier handleType(Id type)
        if(auto t = cast(PointerId)type)
            return new PointerIdentifier(handleType(;
            return new Identifier(type.tok);

    // -- Declarations --
    override DeclT actOnDeclarator(ref Id type, ref Id id, ExprT init)
        Exp exp = cast(Exp)init;
        if(type.tok.type == Tok.Struct)
            return new StructDecl(new Identifier(id.tok));
            return new VarDecl(handleType(type), new Identifier(id.tok), exp);
    override void actOnStructMember(DeclT decl, ref Id type, ref Id name, ExprT init)
        Exp exp = cast(Exp)init;
        StructDecl st = cast(StructDecl)decl;
                new Identifier(type.tok), 
                new Identifier(name.tok), 

    override ExprT actOnMemberReference(ExprT lhs, Location op, Id member)
        return new MemberReference(cast(Exp)lhs, new Identifier(member.tok));

    override DeclT actOnStartOfFunctionDef(ref Id type, ref Id name)
        return new FuncDecl(new Identifier(type.tok), new Identifier(name.tok));

    override void addFuncArg(DeclT func, Id type, Id name)
        FuncDecl fd = cast(FuncDecl)func;
        fd.addParam(new Identifier(type.tok), new Identifier(name.tok));

    override DeclT actOnEndOfFunction(DeclT func, StmtT stmts)
        FuncDecl fd = cast(FuncDecl)func;
        return fd;

    // -- Statements --
    override StmtT actOnCompoundStmt(ref Token l, ref Token r, StmtT[] stmts)
        Stmt[] statements = cast(Stmt[])stmts;
        return new CompoundStatement(statements.dup);

    override StmtT actOnExprStmt(ExprT exp)
        return new ExpStmt(cast(Exp)exp);

    override StmtT actOnReturnStmt(ref Token loc, ExprT exp)
        Exp e = cast(Exp)exp;
        auto res = new ReturnStmt;
        res.exp = e;
        return res;

    override StmtT actOnIfStmt(ref Token ifTok, ExprT cond, StmtT thenBody,
                               ref Token elseTok, StmtT elseBody)
        Exp c = cast(Exp)cond;
        Stmt t = cast(Stmt)thenBody;
        Stmt e = cast(Stmt)elseBody;
        return new IfStmt(c, t, e);

    override StmtT actOnWhileStmt(ref Token tok, ExprT cond, StmtT whileBody)
        Exp c = cast(Exp)cond;
        Stmt b = cast(Stmt)whileBody;
        return new WhileStmt(c, b);

    override StmtT actOnDeclStmt(DeclT decl)
        Decl d = cast(Decl)decl;
        return new DeclStmt(d);

    // -- Expressions --
    override ExprT actOnNumericConstant(Token c)
        return new IntegerLit(c);

    override ExprT actOnIdentifierExp(Id id)
        return new Identifier(id.tok);

    override ExprT actOnBinaryOp(Operator op, ExprT l, ExprT r)
        Exp left = cast(Exp)l;
        Exp right = cast(Exp)r;
        if (op == Operator.Assign)
            return new AssignExp(left, right);
            return new BinaryExp(cast(BinaryExp.Operator)op, left, right);

    override ExprT actOnUnaryOp(Token op, ExprT operand)
        Exp target = cast(Exp)operand;
        if (op.type == Tok.Minus)
            return new NegateExp(target);
        if (op.type == Tok.Star)
            return new DerefExp(target);
        assert(0, "Only valid unary expressions are -x and *x");

    override ExprT actOnCallExpr(ExprT fn, ref Token, ExprT[] args, ref Token)
        Exp f = cast(Exp)fn;
        Exp[] arguments = cast(Exp[])args.dup;
        return new CallExp(f, arguments);

    override ExprT actOnCastExpr(Id id, ExprT exp)
        return new CastExp(new Identifier(id.tok), cast(Exp)exp );