view ast/Exp.d @ 189:75d0544ddc45

Better error handling on unexpected EOF.
author Anders Johnsen <>
date Fri, 25 Jul 2008 13:50:01 +0200
parents 7b274cfdc1dc
children fda35d57847e
line wrap: on
line source

module ast.Exp;

import tango.text.Util,
       Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer;

import ast.Decl,

import lexer.Token;

import sema.Scope,

import basic.LiteralParsing;

enum ExpType


abstract class Exp
    this(ExpType expType, SLoc loc)
        this.expType = expType;
        this.loc = loc;

      Get the fully qualified name for the expression (if it can be resolved to
      one) - otherwise null is returned
    char[] getFQN() { return null; }

    /// The same as getFQN, except that the name is mangled
    char[] getMangledFQN() { return null; }

      Try to get the symbol the expression represents.

      Returns null for most expressions as they don't represent any symbol.
      Identifiers and member references can have a sensible value.
    Symbol getSymbol() { return null; }

    /// Get the type of the expression
    abstract DType type();

    /// Indicates which type the expression is - to avoid a lot of casts
    ExpType expType;

    /// The environment of the expression
    Scope env;

    Symbol symbol;

    int stmtIndex;

      The "main" location of the expression.
      What exactly this represents varies but for most things its the start
      while for a binary expression its the operator.
    SourceLocation loc;

    /// Return the starting location of this expression
    SourceLocation startLoc() { return loc; }

    /// Get the full extents of the expression
    SourceRange sourceRange() { return SourceRange(loc, loc + 1); }

    /// Do some simplifications
    Exp simplify() { return this; }

class CallExp : Exp
    this(Exp exp, Exp[] args)
        super(ExpType.CallExp, exp.loc);
        this.exp = exp;
        this.args = args;

    override DType type()
        DFunction f = exp.type.asCallable();
        assert(f !is null, "Can only call functions");
        return f.returnType;

    override CallExp simplify()
        foreach (ref arg; args)
            arg = arg.simplify();
        exp = exp.simplify();
        return this;

    Exp exp;
    Exp[] args;
    Symbol callSym;
    bool sret = false;

    override SourceRange sourceRange()
        SourceRange res = exp.sourceRange;
        if (args.length > 0)
            res = res + args[$ - 1].sourceRange;
        return res;

class AssignExp : BinaryExp
    this(SLoc op_loc, Operator op, Exp identifier, Exp exp)
        super(ExpType.AssignExp, op_loc, op, identifier, exp);
        this.identifier = identifier;
        this.exp = exp;

    override AssignExp simplify()
        identifier = identifier.simplify();
        exp = exp.simplify();

        return this;

    override SourceRange sourceRange()
        return identifier.sourceRange + exp.sourceRange;

    override DType type() { return identifier.type(); }

    Exp identifier;
    Exp exp;

class BinaryExp : Exp
    public enum Operator

        Eq, Ne,

        Lt, Le,
        Gt, Ge,

        Add, Sub,
        Mul, Div, Mod,

        LeftShift, RightShift, UnsignedRightShift,

        And, Or, Xor,

    char[][] getOp = ["=","+=","-=","*=","/=","%=","==","!=","<","<=",">",">=","+","-","*","/","%","<<",">>",">>>"];

    this(SLoc op_loc, Operator op, Exp left, Exp right)
        super(ExpType.Binary, op_loc);
        this.op = op;
        this.left = left;
        this.right = right;

    protected this(ExpType e, SLoc op_loc, Operator op, Exp left, Exp right)
        super(e, op_loc);
        this.op = op;
        this.left = left;
        this.right = right;

    override DType type()
        if (myType)
            return myType;

        if (op == Operator.Eq || 
            op == Operator.Ne ||
            op == Operator.Lt ||
            op == Operator.Le ||
            op == Operator.Gt ||
            op == Operator.Ge)
            myType = DType.Bool;
            return myType;

        DType l = left.type;
        DType r = right.type;
        if (l is r)
            myType = l;
        else if (l.hasImplicitConversionTo(r))
            myType = r;
        else if (r.hasImplicitConversionTo(l))
            myType = l;
            return null;
        return myType;

    override SLoc startLoc() { return left.startLoc(); }

    override SourceRange sourceRange()
        return left.sourceRange + right.sourceRange;

    char[] resultType()
        if (op >= Operator.Eq && op <= Operator.Ge)
            return "bool";
        return null;

    override BinaryExp simplify()
        left = left.simplify();
        right = right.simplify();
        return this;

    Operator op;
    Exp left, right;
    private DType myType;

class NegateExp : Exp
    this(SLoc op, Exp exp)
        super(ExpType.Negate, op);
        this.exp = exp;

    override NegateExp simplify()
        exp = exp.simplify();
        return this;

    override DType type() { return exp.type(); }

    override SourceRange sourceRange()
        return SourceRange(loc) + exp.sourceRange;

    public Exp exp;

class DerefExp : Exp
    this(SLoc op, Exp exp)
        super(ExpType.Deref, op);
        this.exp = exp;

    override DerefExp simplify()
        exp = exp.simplify();
        return this;

    override DType type() 
        if (_type)
            return _type;
        return exp.type().asPointer().pointerOf; 

    override SourceRange sourceRange()
        return SourceRange(loc) + exp.sourceRange;

    DType _type;
    public Exp exp;

class AddressOfExp : Exp
    this(SLoc op, Exp exp)
        super(ExpType.AddressOfExp, op);
        this.exp = exp;

    override AddressOfExp simplify()
        exp = exp.simplify();
        return this;

    override DType type() 
        return exp.type().getPointerTo; 

    override SourceRange sourceRange()
        return SourceRange(loc) + exp.sourceRange;

    public Exp exp;

class IntegerLit : Exp
    this(SLoc loc, char[] t)
        super(ExpType.IntegerLit, loc);
        range = SourceRange(loc, loc + t.length); = t;

    char[] get()
        return name;

    override IntegerLit simplify()
        return this;

    override DType type() 
            case NumberType.Int:
                return DType.Int;
            case NumberType.Long:
                return DType.Long;
            case NumberType.ULong:
                return DType.ULong;
            case NumberType.Double:
                return DType.Double;
            case NumberType.Real:
                return DType.Real;

    override SourceRange sourceRange()
        return range;

    Number number;

    char[] name;
    private SourceRange range;

class MemberReference : Exp
    this(SLoc dot, Exp target, Identifier child)
        super(ExpType.MemberReference, dot); = target;
        this.child = child;

    override char[] getFQN()
        return getSymbol().getFQN();

    override char[] getMangledFQN()
        return target.type.mangle() ~ child.getMangledFQN();

    override Symbol getSymbol()
        auto s = target.getSymbol();
        if (s !is null)
            return s.findMembers(child.get)[0];
        return null;

    override MemberReference simplify()
        target = target.simplify();
        return this;

    override DType type()
        if (myType)
            return myType;

        if ( target.type.isStruct )
            Symbol st = target.getSymbol;
            if (auto t = st.findMembers(
                myType = t[0].type;
//            else assert(0, "Referencing non-existant member");
        else if ( target.type.isClass )
            Symbol cl = target.getSymbol;
            if (auto t = cl.findMembers(
                myType = t[0].type;
//            else assert(0, "Referencing non-existant member");
            assert(0, "Only structs and classes have members");
        // no error reporting here

        return myType;

    override SLoc startLoc() { return target.startLoc(); }

    override SourceRange sourceRange()
        return target.sourceRange + child.sourceRange;

    Identifier child;
    Exp target;
    private DType myType;

class IndexExp : Exp
    this(Exp target, SLoc left_bracket, Exp index, SLoc right_bracket)
        super(ExpType.Index, target.startLoc); = target;
        this.left_bracket = left_bracket;
        this.index = index;
        this.right_bracket = right_bracket;

    override DType type()
        DType type = target.type();
        if (type.isStaticArray())
            return type.asStaticArray().arrayOf;
        else if (type.isPointer())
            return type.asPointer().pointerOf;
        else assert(0, "Can only index pointers and arrays");

    override SourceRange sourceRange()
        return target.sourceRange + SourceRange(right_bracket);

    override IndexExp simplify()
        target = target.simplify();
        index = index.simplify();
        return this;

    Exp target;
    Exp index;
    SLoc left_bracket, right_bracket;

class CastExp : Exp
    this(SLoc loc, Identifier castType, Exp exp)
        super(ExpType.CastExp, loc);
        this.castType = castType;
        this.exp = exp;

    override DType type()
        return env.findType(this.castType.get);

    override CastExp simplify()
        castType = castType.simplify();
        exp = exp.simplify();
        return this;

    override SourceRange sourceRange()
        return SourceRange(loc) + exp.sourceRange;

    Identifier castType;
    Exp exp;

class StringExp : Exp
    this(SLoc loc, char[] str)
        super(ExpType.StringExp, loc);
        this.str = str;

    override DType type() { return DType.Char.getAsStaticArray(data.length); }

    char[] str;
    ubyte[] data;

class NewExp : Exp
    this(Identifier newType, Exp[] a_args, Exp[] c_args)
        super(ExpType.NewExp, newType.loc);
        this.newType = newType;
        this.a_args = a_args;
        this.c_args = c_args;

    override DType type() 
        return env.findType(this.newType.get); 

    Exp[] a_args, c_args;
    Identifier newType;
    Symbol callSym;

class Identifier : Exp
    this(SLoc loc, char[] name)
        super(ExpType.Identifier, loc); = name;

    protected this(ExpType t, SLoc loc)
        super(t, loc);

    override char[] getFQN()
        return name;

    override char[] getMangledFQN()
        return Integer.toString(name.length) ~ name;

    override Symbol getSymbol()
        if (auto decl = env.find(this.get))
                return decl[$-1].sym;
        return null;

    override DType type()
        if (myType !is null)
            return myType;
        else if (auto sym = getSymbol)
            myType = sym.type;
            myType = DType.Int;

        return myType;

    this(char[] name)
        super(ExpType.Identifier, SLoc.Invalid); = name;

    char[] get()
        return name;

    hash_t toHash()
        return jhash(name);

    int opCmp(Object o)
        if (auto id = cast(Identifier)o)
            return typeid(char[]).compare(&name, &;
        return 0;

    int opEquals(Object o)
        if (auto id = cast(Identifier)o)
            return typeid(char[]).equals(&name, &;
        return 0;

    override Identifier simplify()
        return this;

    void setType(DType myType)
        this.myType = myType;

    override SourceRange sourceRange()
        return SourceRange(loc, loc + name.length);

    char[] name;
    private DType myType;

class IdentifierTypeExp : Identifier
    this(SLoc loc, char[] name)
        super(ExpType.IdentifierTypeExp, loc); = name;

    protected this(ExpType t, SLoc loc)
        super(t, loc);

class PointerTypeExp : IdentifierTypeExp
    this(IdentifierTypeExp pointerOf)
        super(ExpType.PointerTypeExp, pointerOf.loc);
        this.pointerOf = pointerOf; =;

    override DType type()
        return pointerOf.type.getPointerTo();

    Identifier pointerOf;

class StaticArrayTypeExp : IdentifierTypeExp
    this(IdentifierTypeExp arrayOf, IntegerLit size)
        super(ExpType.StaticArrayTypeExp, arrayOf.loc);
        this.arrayOf = arrayOf;
        this.size = Integer.parse(size.get); =;

    override DType type()
        return arrayOf.type.getAsStaticArray(size);

    Identifier arrayOf;
    int size;

    private DType myType;

class ArrayTypeExp : IdentifierTypeExp
    this(IdentifierTypeExp arrayOf)
        super(ExpType.ArrayTypeExp, arrayOf.loc);
        this.arrayOf = arrayOf; =;

    override DType type()
        return arrayOf.type.getAsArray();

    Identifier arrayOf;

    private DType myType;

class FunctionTypeExp : IdentifierTypeExp
    this(IdentifierTypeExp returnType, VarDecl[] decls)
        super(ExpType.FunctionTypeExp, returnType.loc);
        this.returnType = returnType;
        this.decls = decls;

    override DType type()
        if (myType)
            return myType;
        auto t  = new DFunction(returnType);
        t.returnType = returnType.type;
        foreach (decl ; decls)
            t.params ~= decl.identifier.type;

        myType = t.getPointerTo;
        return myType;

    VarDecl[] decls;
    IdentifierTypeExp returnType;
    private DType myType;

class ArrayLiteralExp : Exp
    this(Exp[] exps, SLoc begin, SLoc end)
        super(ExpType.ArrayLiteralExp, begin);
        this.exps = exps;
        this.begin = begin;
        this.end = end;

    override DType type()
        return exps[0].type.getAsStaticArray(exps.length);

    Exp[] exps;
    SLoc begin, end;