view sema/DType.d @ 96:438e6ed4cda1 new_gen

Now D-Mangling the function types. Still need to mangle "scopes" - by that i mean structs, classes and modules.
author Anders Johnsen <>
date Tue, 06 May 2008 18:51:08 +0200
parents eb5b2c719a39
children 09b4d74cb3f5
line wrap: on
line source

module sema.DType;

import lexer.Token,


class DType
    private char[] id;
    private SourceLocation loc;
    public DType actual;

    this(Identifier id, DType actual = null)
    { =;
        this.loc = id.startLoc();
        this.actual = actual is null? this : actual;

    this(char[] id, DType actual = null)
    { = id;
        this.actual = actual is null? this : actual;

    /// Is this type a DStruct
    bool isStruct() { return false; }
    /// Return a DStruct if this is one, otherwise return null
    DStruct asStruct() { return null; }

    /// Is this type a DArray
    bool isArray() { return false; }
    /// Return a DArray if this is one, otherwise return null
    DArray asArray() { return null; }

    /// Is this type a DPointer
    bool isPointer() { return false; }
    /// Return a DPointer if this is one, otherwise return null
    DPointer asPointer() { return null; }

    /// Is this type a DFunction
    bool isFunction() { return false; }
    /// Return a DFunction if this is one, otherwise return null
    DFunction asFunction() { return null; }

    /// Is this type a DInteger
    bool isInteger() { return false; }
    /// Return a DInteger if this is one, otherwise return null
    DInteger asInteger() { return null; }

    int opEquals(Object o)
        if (auto t = cast(DType)o)
            return this.actual is t.actual;
        return 0;

    int opCmp(Object o)
        if (auto t = cast(DType)o)
            return cast(void*)this.actual - cast(void*)t.actual;
        return 0;

      Hashing is done by casting the reference to a void* and taking that
      value, but this gives a bad distribution of hash-values.

      Multiple DType's allocated close to each other will only have a
      difference in the lower bits of their hashes.
    hash_t toHash()
        return cast(hash_t)(cast(void*)this);

    char[] name() { return id; }
    SourceLocation getLoc() { return loc; }
    int byteSize() { return 0; }

      Can this type legally be converted to that type with no casts?
      True for short -> int etc.
    bool hasImplicitConversionTo(DType that) { return false; }

      Get a type representing a pointer to this type (from int to int*)
    DPointer getPointerTo()
        if(myPointer !is null)
            return myPointer;
        myPointer = new DPointer(this);
        return myPointer;
    private DPointer myPointer;

      Mangle the DType following the specs at
    char[] mangle()
        /// expects to be void
        return "v";

      Get a type representing a static array of this type with length 'size'
    DArray getAsArray(int size)
        if(size in myArray)
            return myArray[size];
        myArray[size] = new DArray(this, size);
        return myArray[size];
    private DArray[int] myArray;

    static DInteger
        Byte, UByte, Short, UShort,
        Int, UInt, Long, ULong;

    static DType Void;

    static this()
        Void   = new DType("void");

        Bool   = new DInteger("bool",    1, false);
        Byte   = new DInteger("byte",    8, false);
        UByte  = new DInteger("ubyte",   8, true);
        Short  = new DInteger("short",  16, false);
        UShort = new DInteger("ushort", 16, true);
        Int    = new DInteger("int",    32, false);
        UInt   = new DInteger("uint",   32, true);
        Long   = new DInteger("long",   64, false);
        ULong  = new DInteger("ulong",  64, true);

  Class to represent the built-in integer types, from byte to long.
class DInteger : DType
    private static char[][DInteger] mangle_types;

    static this()
        mangle_types = 
            Bool    : "b",
            Byte    : "g",
            UByte   : "h",
            Short   : "s",
            UShort  : "t",
            Int     : "i",
            UInt    : "k",
            Long    : "l",
            ULong   : "m"

    this(char[] name, int bits, bool unsigned)
        super(name, null);
        this.bits = bits;
        this.unsigned = unsigned;

    override int byteSize() { return bits / 8; }

    override bool hasImplicitConversionTo(DType that)
        if (auto o = cast(DInteger)that)
            return true;
//            return this.bits >= o.bits;
        return false;

    override bool isInteger() { return true; }
    override DInteger asInteger() { return this; }

    override char[] mangle()
        return mangle_types[this];

    int bits;
    bool unsigned;

class DStruct : DType
    this(Identifier id, DType actual = null)
        super(id, actual);

    int byteSize() { return bytes_total; }

    override bool isStruct() { return true; }
    override DStruct asStruct() { return this; }

    void addMember(DType type, char[] name)
        auto s = DStructMember(type, members.length);
        members[name] = s;

        bytes_total += type.byteSize();

    int indexOf(char[] name)
        if(name in members)
            return members[name].index;

        return -1;

    DType typeOf(char[] name)
        if (auto res = name in members)
            return res.type;
        return null;

    DStructMember[char[]] members;
    private int bytes_total;

    override char[] mangle()
        return "S"~Integer.toString(name.length)~name;

    struct DStructMember
        DType type;
        int index;

class DArray : DType
    this(DType arrayOf, int size, DType actual = null)
        super(id, actual);
        this.arrayOf = arrayOf;
        this.size = size;

    override bool isArray() { return true; }
    override DArray asArray() { return this; }

    int byteSize() { return arrayOf.byteSize * size; }

    override char[] mangle()
        return "G"~Integer.toString(size)~arrayOf.mangle;

    DType arrayOf;
    const int size;

class DPointer : DType
    this(DType pointerOf, DType actual = null)
        super(id, actual);
        this.pointerOf = pointerOf;

    override bool isPointer() { return true; }
    override DPointer asPointer() { return this; }

    int byteSize() { return DType.Int.byteSize; }

    override char[] mangle()
        return "P"~pointerOf.mangle;

    DType pointerOf;

class DFunction : DType
    this(Identifier id, DType actual = null)
        super(id, actual);

    override bool isFunction() { return true; }
    override DFunction asFunction() { return this; }

    override char[] mangle()
        char[] res;
        res ~= "F";

        foreach(param ; params)
            res ~= "J" ~ param.mangle;

        res ~= "Z" ~ returnType.mangle;

        return res;

    DType[] params;
    DType returnType;
    bool firstParamIsReturnValue = false;