view basic/SourceLocation.d @ 174:20ff3c31f600

Putting symbol on MemberRef -calls.
author Anders Johnsen <>
date Thu, 24 Jul 2008 21:06:42 +0200
parents 6ec686d9c87d
line wrap: on
line source

module basic.SourceLocation;

import Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer;

/// Shorter alias for SourceLocation
public alias SourceLocation SLoc;

/// SourceLocation points to a place in some buffer
struct SourceLocation
    /// Returns true, if the location is from a real file
    bool isReal() { return (val & 0x80_00_00_00) == 0; }
    /// Returns true, if the location is not from a real file
    bool isVirtual() { return (val & 0x80_00_00_00) != 0; }

    /// Check if this location is invalid or not
    bool isValid() { return val != uint.max; }
    /// ditto
    bool isInvalid() { return val == uint.max; }

      Extracts the file id.

      Warning: In release mode this may return junk, if the loc is not from a
    uint fileID() {
        assert(isValid, "Location is invalid");
        assert(isReal, "You can only extract fileID from a real location");
        // Here we can rely on two facts, first that the high bit is zero
        // since its a real position, second that FileOffset is saved in the
        // high end, so all we need is some shifting
        return val >> Bits.FileOffset;

      Extracts the offset into the "file". (actually in to the referenced

      Warning: In release mode this may return junk, if the loc is not from a
    uint fileOffset() {
        assert(isValid, "Location is invalid");
        assert(isReal, "You can only extract fileOffset from real locations");
        // FileOffset is stored in the lower bits, so all that is needed is a
        // binary and with all ones in the lower bits.
        return val & (1 << Bits.FileOffset) - 1;

    /// Get a new location, placed n bytes after the given location
    SourceLocation opAdd(int n)
        SourceLocation res = *this;
        res.val += n;
        return res;

    /// Get a new location, placed n bytes before the given location
    SourceLocation opSub(int n)
        SourceLocation res = *this;
        res.val -= n;
        return res;

    /// Get the length between two location
    int opSub(SourceLocation loc)
        return val - loc.val;

    /// Creates a SourceLocation from a File ID
    static SourceLocation fromFileID(uint fileID)
        assert(fileID < Bits.MaxFileID, "To large fileID");
        SourceLocation res;
        res.val = fileID << Bits.FileOffset;
        return res;

    char[] toString()
        return Integer.toString(val);
      Used for invalid/unknown locations. (also the default value, but this is
      more explicit)
    static const SourceLocation Invalid = {val: uint.max};

      A SourceLocation consists of 1 bit, indicating real or virtual, meaning
      if the location points to a file(real), a string mixin or has been
      affected by #line(virtual). That information is saved in the most
      significant bit.
      The rest depends on which type we are dealing with.
           13 bits for a file identifier
           18 bits for offset into that "file" (one file may be split)
           Unknown for now. Likely skewed toward more ids and some meta data
      An invalid location is uint.max, this might happen by accident but its
    uint val = uint.max;

      This enum contains some constants that are useful for manipulating
      SourceLocation's, like the size of various “members” of val.
    static enum Bits {
        /// Number of bits used for the offset into file buffers
        FileOffset = 18,
        /// Number of bits used to identify which file buffer this is from
        FileID = 31 - FileOffset,

        /// Indicates how much can be indexed within one block(2^FileOffset)
        MaxFileOffset = 1 << FileOffset,
        MaxFileID = 1 << FileID,

/// A simple pair used to describe a range in a buffer and not just a point.
struct SourceRange
    SourceLocation begin, end;

    static SourceRange opCall(SourceLocation loc)
        return SourceRange(loc, loc + 1);

    static SourceRange opCall(SourceLocation begin, SourceLocation end)
        SourceRange res;
        res.begin = begin;
        res.end = end;
        return res;

    bool isValid() { return begin.isValid && end.isValid; }
    bool isInvalid() { return begin.isInvalid || end.isInvalid; }

    bool isReal() { return begin.isReal && end.isReal; }

    /// Get a new range spanning both ranges
    SourceRange opAdd(SourceRange that)
        assert(this.isValid && that.isValid, "Invalid range");
        return SourceRange(
                this.begin.val < that.begin.val? this.begin : that.begin,
                this.end.val > that.end.val? this.end : that.end);