diff tests/run.d @ 134:570a4917413a

Changed the test-program. Most important difference is that a single count is printed at the end now (easier to remember/compare). Also noticed that our tests give different results in debug and release mode, I will have to look into that.
author Anders Halager <halager@gmail.com>
date Wed, 09 Jul 2008 12:59:57 +0200
parents a49bb982a7b0
children 1e48315c36fc
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/tests/run.d	Mon Jun 30 16:43:40 2008 +0200
+++ b/tests/run.d	Wed Jul 09 12:59:57 2008 +0200
@@ -1,200 +1,163 @@
+// skip
 module run.d;
-import tango.io.Stdout,
-       tango.core.Array,
-       tango.io.FilePath,
-       tango.io.GrowBuffer,
-       tango.io.UnicodeFile,
-       tango.io.stream.BufferStream,
-       tango.text.Util,
-       tango.io.protocol.Reader,
-       tango.io.protocol.Writer,
-       tango.text.Unicode,
-       tango.sys.Process;
+import tango.core.Array,
+       tango.io.FileConduit,
+       tango.io.FileScan,
+       tango.io.Stdout,
+       tango.sys.Process,
+       tango.text.Ascii,
+       tango.text.Regex,
+       tango.text.Util;
+// -- Settings --
+char[] compiler = "./Dang";
+char[] test_folder = "tests";
+char[] valid_filenames = r"^[^.].*";
+bool print_expected = false;
+// the tests can be sorted by one of the following functions
+bool nameSort    (FilePath a, FilePath b) { return a.name     < b.name;     }
+bool pathSort    (FilePath a, FilePath b) { return a.toString < b.toString; }
+bool modifiedSort(FilePath a, FilePath b) { return a.modified < b.modified; }
+bool createdSort (FilePath a, FilePath b) { return a.created  < b.created;  }
+const sortBy = &pathSort;
+// -- end of settings
+enum TestResult
-    SuccessSuccess,
-    SuccessFailure,
-    FailureSuccess,
-    FailureFailure,
+    Skipped,
+    Expected,
+    Unexpected
-char[] prog = "./Dang";
 void main(char[][] args)
-    auto cPath = FilePath("tests");
+    scope scan = new FileScan;
+    scope regex = new Regex(valid_filenames);
+    // Return true for files/folders to include
+    bool filter(FilePath p, bool isDir)
+    {
+        if (isDir)
+            return p.name[0] != '.';
+        else
+            return p.ext == "d" && regex.test(p.name);
+    }
+    scan.sweep(test_folder, &filter, true);
+    FilePath[] files = scan.files;
+    int total_tests = files.length;
-    ubyte success_success, success_failure, failure_failure, failure_success;
+    // Sort the result by the chosen function - default is the full path
+    sort(files, sortBy);
-    foreach( path ; cPath.toList((FilePath path, bool isFolder){return isFolder;}))
+    int[TestResult.max + 1] results = 0;
+    foreach (i, ref test; files)
-        Stdout(path.name)(":").newline;
-        auto paths = path.toList(
-                (FilePath path, bool isFolder)
-                {
-                    if(path.ext == "d" && path.name[0] != '.')
-                        return true;
-                    return false;
-                });
-        sort(paths, (FilePath a, FilePath b) { return a.name < b.name; });
-        foreach (p ; paths)
-        {
-            auto test = new Test(p);    
-            ubyte result = test.run();
+        begin_test(i + 1, total_tests, test.name);
+        TestResult res = run_test(test);
+        results[res] += 1;
+        end_test();
+    }
+    Stdout.format("\r{,80}\r", " ");
+    Stdout.newline;
+    int good = TestResult.Expected;
+    int bad = TestResult.Unexpected;
+    int tests_run = results[good] + results[bad];
+    Stdout.formatln("{}/{} tests failed", results[bad], tests_run);
+void begin_test(int number, int total_tests, char[] name)
+    char[60] progressbar = ' ';
+    int progress = number*progressbar.length/total_tests;
+    progressbar[0 .. progress] = '=';
+    progressbar[progress-1] = '>';
+    Stdout.format("\r{}% - [{}]", 1e2 * number / total_tests, progressbar);
+    Stdout.flush();
+    //Thread.sleep(0.05);
+void end_test() { }
-            switch(result)
+enum {
+    NoFail,
+    CompiletimeFail,
+    RuntimeFail
+private int min(int a, int b) { return a < b? a : b; }
+TestResult run_test(ref FilePath p)
+    auto file = new FileConduit(p.toString(), FileConduit.ReadExisting);
+    char[256] content;
+    int len = file.read(content);
+    file.close();
+    char[] line = content[0 .. min(len, content.find('\n'))];
+    bool compile = true;
+    int fail = NoFail;
+    if (line.length >= 2 && line[0 .. 2] == "//")
+    {
+        foreach (command; line[2 .. $].delimiters(",;"))
+            switch (toLower(substitute(command, " ", "")))
-                case SuccessSuccess:
-                    success_success++;
+                case "skip", "dontcompile":
+                    compile = false;
-                case SuccessFailure:
-                    success_failure++;
+                case "fail", "compilefail",
+                     "compiletimefail", "failatcompiletime":
+                    fail = CompiletimeFail;
-                case FailureFailure:
-                    failure_failure++;
-                    break;
-                case FailureSuccess:
-                    failure_success++;
+                case "runtime", "runtimefail", "failatruntime":
+                    fail = RuntimeFail;
+                    Stderr("== Compiled tests will not be run! ==").newline;
+                    return TestResult.Skipped;
+                default:
-        }
-    }
-    Stdout().newline.newline()
-        ("Result:").newline()
-        ("  - Success/Success:   ")(success_success).newline()
-        ("  - Success/Failure:   ")(success_failure).newline()
-        ("  - Failure/Failure:  ")(failure_failure).newline()
-        ("  - Failure/Success:  ")(failure_success).newline;
-class Test
-    enum TestValue
-    {
-        Success = 0,
-        Lexer = 2,
-        Parser = 3,
-        Gen = 4,
-        Fail = 100
-    }
-    FilePath target;
-    TestValue[int] testValues;
-    public this(FilePath target)
-    {
-        this.target = target;
-    public ubyte run()
+    if (compile)
-        auto process = new Process(prog,"--gen-llvm",target.path~target.file);
-        auto file = new UnicodeFile!(char)(target.path~target.file, Encoding.UTF_8);
-        TestValue mode;
-        char[] data = file.read;
-        char[][] commands = split(splitLines(data)[0], " ");
-        if(commands[0] == "//fail")
-        {
-            mode = TestValue.Fail;
-            if(commands.length > 1)
-            {
-                try
-                {
-                    int i = Integer.toInt(commands[1]);
-                    if(i in testValues)
-                        mode = testValues[i];
-                }
-                catch{}
-            }
-        }
-/*        if(data.length > 6 && data[0..6] == "//fail")
-        {
-            char[] str = data.splitLines()[0][6..$];
+        auto process = new Process(compiler, "--gen-llvm", p.toString());
+        process.execute();
+        auto result = process.wait();
+        return resultOf(p, result.status, fail); 
+    }
-            switch(toLower(trim(str)))
-            {
-                case "fail":
-                case "failure":
-                    mode = 1;
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    mode = 0;
-            }
-        }
-        Stdout.format("  {,-25}", target.file);
+    return TestResult.Skipped;
-        process.execute;
-        auto result = process.wait;
-        /*
-        if(result.status == 0)
-        {
-            auto llvm_process = new Process("llvm-as");
-            llvm_process.execute;
-            llvm_process.stdin.copy(process.stdout);
-            llvm_process.stdin.close();
-            result = llvm_process.wait;
-        }
-        */
-        return resultOf(result.status, mode);
+private TestResult resultOf(FilePath p, int result, int expected)
+    char[] good(char[] s)
+    {
+        version (Posix)
+            return "\033[1;32m" ~ s ~ "\033[m";
+        else
+            return s;
-    private int resultOf(int status, TestValue mode)
+    char[] bad(char[] s)
-        char[] good(char[] s)
-        {
-            version (Posix)
-                return "\033[1;32m" ~ s ~ "\033[m";
-            else
-                return s;
-        }
-        char[] bad(char[] s)
-        {
-            version (Posix)
-                return "\033[1;31m" ~ s ~ "\033[m";
-            else
-                return s;
-        }
+        s = s ~ " - Unexpected";
+        version (Posix)
+            return "\033[1;31m" ~ s ~ "\033[m";
+        else
+            return s;
+    }
-        if(status == 0)
-        {
-            if(mode == TestValue.Success)
-            {
-                Stdout(good("SUCCESS")).newline;
-                return SuccessSuccess;
-            }
-            if(mode == TestValue.Fail)
-            {
-                Stdout(bad("SUCCESS - Unexpected")).newline;
-                return FailureSuccess;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            if(mode == TestValue.Fail)
-            {
-                Stdout(good("FAILURE")).newline;
-                return FailureFailure;
-            }
-            if(mode == TestValue.Success)
-            {
-                Stdout(bad("FAILURE - Unexpected")).newline;
-                return SuccessFailure;
-            }
-        }
+    bool unexpected = (result != expected);
+    auto f = unexpected? &bad : &good;
+    char[] s = (result == 0)? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE";
+    // always print if unexpeted, otherwise check the settings
+    if (unexpected || print_expected)
+    {
+        Stdout.format("\r{,80}\r", " ");
+        Stdout.format("  {,-45}", p);
+        Stdout(f(s)).newline;
+    return unexpected? TestResult.Unexpected : TestResult.Expected;