view opencl/wrapper.d @ 0:3cea44337083

initial commit
author Trass3r
date Wed, 02 Dec 2009 17:40:59 +0100
children c78ffc9a7434
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module opencl.wrapper;

import opencl.error;
import opencl.c.opencl;

// alternate Info getter functions
private alias extern(C) cl_int function(const(void)*, const(void*), cl_uint, size_t, void*, size_t*) Func;

/// abstract base class 
abstract class CLWrapper(T, alias infoFunction)
	T _object = null;

	// should only be used inside here
	package T getObject()
		return _object;
	// used for all non-array types
	T getInfo(T)(cl_uint infoname, Func altFunction = null, cl_device_id device = null)
		assert(_object !is null);
		size_t needed;
		cl_int res;
		// get number of needed memory
		if (altFunction != null && device != null)
			res = altFunction(_object, device, infoname, 0, null, &needed);
			res = infoFunction(_object, infoname, 0, null, &needed);

		// error checking
		if (res != CL_SUCCESS)
			throw new CLException(res);
		assert(needed == T.sizeof); // TODO:
		T info;

		// get actual data
		if (altFunction != null && device != null)
			res = altFunction(_object, device, infoname, T.sizeof, &info, null);
			res = infoFunction(_object, infoname, T.sizeof, &info, null);
		// error checking
		if (res != CL_SUCCESS)
			throw new CLException(res);
		return info;
	// helper function for all OpenCL Get*Info functions
	// used for all array return types
	T[] getArrayInfo(T)(cl_uint infoname, Func altFunction = null, cl_device_id device = null)
		assert(_object !is null);
		size_t needed;
		cl_int res;

		// get number of needed memory
		if (altFunction != null && device != null)
			res = altFunction(_object, device, infoname, 0, null, &needed);
			res = infoFunction(_object, infoname, 0, null, &needed);

		// error checking
		if (res != CL_SUCCESS)
			throw new CLException(res);
		auto buffer = new T[needed];

		// get actual data
		if (altFunction != null && device != null)
			res = altFunction(_object, device, infoname, buffer.length, cast(void*)buffer.ptr, null);
			res = infoFunction(_object, infoname, buffer.length, cast(void*)buffer.ptr, null);
		// error checking
		if (res != CL_SUCCESS)
			throw new CLException(res);
		return buffer;
	string getStringInfo(cl_uint infoname, Func altFunction = null, cl_device_id device = null)
		return cast(string) getArrayInfo!(char)(infoname, altFunction, device);

	//	static cl_int getInfo(Arg0, Arg1)(Arg0 arg0, Arg1)

	this() {}
	this(T obj)
		_object = obj;