view opencl/platform.d @ 0:3cea44337083

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author Trass3r
date Wed, 02 Dec 2009 17:40:59 +0100
children c78ffc9a7434
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module opencl.platform;

public import opencl.c.opencl;
import opencl.device;
import opencl.error;
import opencl.wrapper;

//! Platform class
class CLPlatform : CLWrapper!(cl_platform_id, clGetPlatformInfo)
	/// constructor
	this(cl_platform_id platform)
		_object = platform;
	/// get the platform name
	string name()
		 return getStringInfo(CL_PLATFORM_NAME);
	/// get platform vendor
	string vendor()
		 return getStringInfo(CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR);

	/// get platform version
	string clversion()
		 return getStringInfo(CL_PLATFORM_VERSION);

	/// get platform profile
	string profile()
		 return getStringInfo(CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE);

	/// get platform extensions
	string extensions()
		 return getStringInfo(CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS);
	/// returns a list of all devices available on the platform matching deviceType
	CLDevice[] getDevices(cl_device_type deviceType)
		cl_uint numDevices;
		cl_int res;
		// get number of devices
		res = clGetDeviceIDs(_object, deviceType, 0, null, &numDevices);
			case CL_SUCCESS:
				throw new CLInvalidPlatformException();
				throw new CLInvalidDeviceTypeException("There's no such device type");
				throw new CLDeviceNotFoundException("Couldn't find an OpenCL device matching the given type");
				throw new CLException(res, "unexpected error while getting device count");
		// get device IDs
		auto deviceIDs = new cl_device_id[numDevices];
		res = clGetDeviceIDs(_object, deviceType, deviceIDs.length, deviceIDs.ptr, null);
		if(res != CL_SUCCESS)
			throw new CLException(res);
		// create CLDevice array
		auto devices = new CLDevice[numDevices];
		for(uint i=0; i<numDevices; i++)
			devices[i] = new CLDevice(this, deviceIDs[i]);
		return devices;
	/// returns a list of all devices
	CLDevice[] allDevices()	{return getDevices(CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL);}
	/// returns a list of all CPU devices
	CLDevice[] cpuDevices()	{return getDevices(CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU);}
	/// returns a list of all GPU devices
	CLDevice[] gpuDevices()	{return getDevices(CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU);}
	/// returns a list of all accelerator devices
	CLDevice[] accelDevices() {return getDevices(CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR);}
	/// get an array of all available platforms
	static CLPlatform[] getPlatforms()
		cl_uint numPlatforms;
		cl_int res;
		// get number of platforms
		res = clGetPlatformIDs(0, null, &numPlatforms);
		if(res != CL_SUCCESS)
			throw new CLInvalidValueException();
		// get platform IDs
		auto platformIDs = new cl_platform_id[numPlatforms];
		res = clGetPlatformIDs(platformIDs.length, platformIDs.ptr, null);
		if(res != CL_SUCCESS)
			throw new CLInvalidValueException();
		// create CLPlatform array
		auto platforms = new CLPlatform[numPlatforms];
		for(uint i=0; i<numPlatforms; i++)
			platforms[i] = new CLPlatform(platformIDs[i]);
		return platforms;