view trunk/chipmunkd/cpPolyShape.d @ 29:80058cee1a77

updated to chipmunk 5.3.4
author Extrawurst
date Thu, 16 Dec 2010 00:33:06 +0100
parents 4541ca17975b
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// written in the D programming language

module chipmunkd.cpPolyShape;

import chipmunkd.chipmunk;

// Axis structure used by cpPolyShape.
struct cpPolyShapeAxis{
	// normal
	cpVect n;
	// distance from origin
	cpFloat d;

// Convex polygon shape structure.
struct cpPolyShape{
	cpShape shape;
	// Vertex and axis lists.
	int numVerts;
	cpVect *verts;
	cpPolyShapeAxis *axes;

	// Transformed vertex and axis lists.
	cpVect *tVerts;
	cpPolyShapeAxis *tAxes;

//// Basic allocation functions.
//cpPolyShape *cpPolyShapeAlloc(void);
//cpPolyShape *cpPolyShapeInit(cpPolyShape *poly, cpBody *body, int numVerts, cpVect *verts, cpVect offset);
//cpShape *cpPolyShapeNew(cpBody *body, int numVerts, cpVect *verts, cpVect offset);
//cpPolyShape *cpBoxShapeInit(cpPolyShape *poly, cpBody *body, cpFloat width, cpFloat height);
//cpShape *cpBoxShapeNew(cpBody *body, cpFloat width, cpFloat height);
//// Check that a set of vertexes has a correct winding and that they are convex
//cpBool cpPolyValidate(cpVect *verts, int numVerts);
//int cpPolyShapeGetNumVerts(cpShape *shape);
//cpVect cpPolyShapeGetVert(cpShape *shape, int idx);

// *** inlined utility functions

// Returns the minimum distance of the polygon to the axis.
static cpFloat
cpPolyShapeValueOnAxis(const cpPolyShape *poly, const cpVect n, const cpFloat d)
	const cpVect *verts = poly.tVerts;
	cpFloat min = cpvdot(n, verts[0]);
	int i;
	for(i=1; i<poly.numVerts; i++)
		min = cpfmin(min, cpvdot(n, verts[i]));
	return min - d;

// Returns true if the polygon contains the vertex.
static cpBool
cpPolyShapeContainsVert(const cpPolyShape *poly, const cpVect v)
	const cpPolyShapeAxis *axes = poly.tAxes;
	int i;
	for(i=0; i<poly.numVerts; i++){
		cpFloat dist = cpvdot(axes[i].n, v) - axes[i].d;
		if(dist > 0.0f) return cpFalse;
	return cpTrue;

// Same as cpPolyShapeContainsVert() but ignores faces pointing away from the normal.
static cpBool
cpPolyShapeContainsVertPartial(const cpPolyShape *poly, const cpVect v, const cpVect n)
	const cpPolyShapeAxis *axes = poly.tAxes;
	int i;
	for(i=0; i<poly.numVerts; i++){
		if(cpvdot(axes[i].n, n) < 0.0f) continue;
		cpFloat dist = cpvdot(axes[i].n, v) - axes[i].d;
		if(dist > 0.0f) return cpFalse;
	return cpTrue;

// cpPolyShape.c ---------------------------------

cpPolyShape *
	return cast(cpPolyShape *)cpcalloc(1, cpPolyShape.sizeof);

static void
cpPolyShapeTransformVerts(cpPolyShape *poly, cpVect p, cpVect rot)
	cpVect *src = poly.verts;
	cpVect *dst = poly.tVerts;
	for(int i=0; i<poly.numVerts; i++)
		dst[i] = cpvadd(p, cpvrotate(src[i], rot));

static void
cpPolyShapeTransformAxes(cpPolyShape *poly, cpVect p, cpVect rot)
	cpPolyShapeAxis *src = poly.axes;
	cpPolyShapeAxis *dst = poly.tAxes;
	for(int i=0; i<poly.numVerts; i++){
		cpVect n = cpvrotate(src[i].n, rot);
		dst[i].n = n;
		dst[i].d = cpvdot(p, n) + src[i].d;

static cpBB
cpPolyShapeCacheData(cpShape *shape, cpVect p, cpVect rot)
	cpPolyShape *poly = cast(cpPolyShape *)shape;
	cpFloat l, b, r, t;
	cpPolyShapeTransformAxes(poly, p, rot);
	cpPolyShapeTransformVerts(poly, p, rot);
	cpVect *verts = poly.tVerts;
	l = r = verts[0].x;
	b = t = verts[0].y;
	// TODO do as part of cpPolyShapeTransformVerts?
	for(int i=1; i<poly.numVerts; i++){
		cpVect v = verts[i];
		l = cpfmin(l, v.x);
		r = cpfmax(r, v.x);
		b = cpfmin(b, v.y);
		t = cpfmax(t, v.y);
	return cpBBNew(l, b, r, t);

static void
cpPolyShapeDestroy(cpShape *shape)
	cpPolyShape *poly = cast(cpPolyShape *)shape;

static cpBool
cpPolyShapePointQuery(cpShape *shape, cpVect p){
	return cpBBcontainsVect(, p) && cpPolyShapeContainsVert(cast(cpPolyShape *)shape, p);

static void
cpPolyShapeSegmentQuery(cpShape *shape, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpSegmentQueryInfo *info)
	cpPolyShape *poly = cast(cpPolyShape *)shape;
	cpPolyShapeAxis *axes = poly.tAxes;
	cpVect *verts = poly.tVerts;
	int numVerts = poly.numVerts;
	for(int i=0; i<numVerts; i++){
		cpVect n = axes[i].n;
		cpFloat an = cpvdot(a, n);
		if(axes[i].d > an) continue;
		cpFloat bn = cpvdot(b, n);
		cpFloat t = (axes[i].d - an)/(bn - an);
		if(t < 0.0f || 1.0f < t) continue;
		cpVect point = cpvlerp(a, b, t);
		cpFloat dt = -cpvcross(n, point);
		cpFloat dtMin = -cpvcross(n, verts[i]);
		cpFloat dtMax = -cpvcross(n, verts[(i+1)%numVerts]);
		if(dtMin <= dt && dt <= dtMax){
			info.shape = shape;
			info.t = t;
			info.n = n;

__gshared /+const+/ cpShapeClass polyClass = {

cpPolyValidate(in cpVect *verts, in int numVerts)
	for(int i=0; i<numVerts; i++){
		cpVect a = verts[i];
		cpVect b = verts[(i+1)%numVerts];
		cpVect c = verts[(i+2)%numVerts];
		if(cpvcross(cpvsub(b, a), cpvsub(c, b)) > 0.0f)
			return cpFalse;
	return cpTrue;

cpPolyShapeGetNumVerts(cpShape *shape)
	assert(shape.klass == &polyClass, "Shape is not a poly shape.");
	return (cast(cpPolyShape *)shape).numVerts;

cpPolyShapeGetVert(cpShape *shape, int idx)
	assert(shape.klass == &polyClass, "Shape is not a poly shape.");
	assert(0 <= idx && idx < cpPolyShapeGetNumVerts(shape), "Index out of range.");
	return (cast(cpPolyShape *)shape).verts[idx];

static void
setUpVerts(cpPolyShape *poly, int numVerts, cpVect *verts, cpVect offset)
	poly.numVerts = numVerts;

	poly.verts	= cast(cpVect *)cpcalloc(numVerts, cpVect.sizeof);
	poly.tVerts = cast(cpVect *)cpcalloc(numVerts, cpVect.sizeof);
	poly.axes	= cast(cpPolyShapeAxis *)cpcalloc(numVerts, (cpPolyShapeAxis).sizeof);
	poly.tAxes	= cast(cpPolyShapeAxis *)cpcalloc(numVerts, (cpPolyShapeAxis).sizeof);
	for(int i=0; i<numVerts; i++){
		cpVect a = cpvadd(offset, verts[i]);
		cpVect b = cpvadd(offset, verts[(i+1)%numVerts]);
		cpVect n = cpvnormalize(cpvperp(cpvsub(b, a)));

		poly.verts[i] = a;
		poly.axes[i].n = n;
		poly.axes[i].d = cpvdot(n, a);

cpPolyShape *
cpPolyShapeInit(cpPolyShape *poly, cpBody *_body, int numVerts, cpVect *verts, cpVect offset)
	// Fail if the user attempts to pass a concave poly, or a bad winding.
	assert(cpPolyValidate(verts, numVerts), "Polygon is concave or has a reversed winding.");
	setUpVerts(poly, numVerts, verts, offset);
	cpShapeInit(cast(cpShape *)poly, &polyClass, _body);

	return poly;

cpShape *
cpPolyShapeNew(cpBody *_body, int numVerts, cpVect *verts, cpVect offset)
	return cast(cpShape *)cpPolyShapeInit(cpPolyShapeAlloc(), _body, numVerts, verts, offset);

cpPolyShape *
cpBoxShapeInit(cpPolyShape *poly, cpBody *_body, cpFloat width, cpFloat height)
	cpFloat hw = width/2.0f;
	cpFloat hh = height/2.0f;
	cpVect verts[] = [
		cpv(-hw, hh),
		cpv( hw, hh),
		cpv( hw,-hh),
	return cpPolyShapeInit(poly, _body, 4, verts.ptr, cpvzero);

cpShape *
cpBoxShapeNew(cpBody *_body, cpFloat width, cpFloat height)
	return cast(cpShape *)cpBoxShapeInit(cpPolyShapeAlloc(), _body, width, height);

// Unsafe API (chipmunk_unsafe.h)

cpPolyShapeSetVerts(cpShape *shape, int numVerts, cpVect *verts, cpVect offset)
	assert(shape.klass == &polyClass, "Shape is not a poly shape.");
	setUpVerts(cast(cpPolyShape *)shape, numVerts, verts, offset);